Social Ecology

We will present a synthesis of some concepts and thoughts that sedestacam inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit naabordagem of the deep ecology of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology deLeonardo BOFF (this for working under great influence of sincretismoreligioso will be boarded of superficial form), and in the Thought Complexode Edgar MORIN. 1 Conceptual Introduction Understands for thought ' ' sistmico' ' one forms deabordagem of the reality appeared in century XX in contraposition to pensamento' ' reducionista-mecanicista' ' happened of the philosophers of the revoluocientfica of century XVII, molded in the methods of some classics as RenDESCARTES, Francis BACON and Isaac NEWTON. Important to point out that it not negaa scientific rationality, but, only part of the conception of that it nooferece enough parameters for the development of the man, having, therefore to act of joint form with the subjectivity of the arts and of diversastradies spirituals. For definition, by the way, the thought includes ainterdisciplinaridade. The complex thought or ' ' complexidade' ' she is umaescola philosophical that enxerga the world as being indissocivel one all, considering a boarding to multidiscipline for the construction of the knowledge. Elanega to the causalidade and approaches the phenomena as organic totality.

They have comoexpoente defender in the present time Edgar MORIN and amongst the precursors, GregoryBATESON 1. We will present a synthesis of some concepts and pensamentosque if they detach inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit in the boarding deep daecologia of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology of Leonardo BOFF (estepor to work under great influence of religious sincretismo it will be boarded deformed superficial), and in the Complex Thought of Edgar MORIN. 2A Deep Ecology and the Ecofeminismo Under the Optics deFritjof Capra What currently we are living deeply is a change deparadigmas not only in the scope of science as well as in the field social.