Riga George Armistead

Words from these letters that are stored in the Gomel State Circus, engraved on the pedestal of the monument. Dog of the Niasvizh castle One of the monuments faithful four-footed friend is in an ancient castle, situated in the town of Niasvizh (Belarus). Niasvizh Castle – a patrimony of princes Radziwill, located 100 km south-west of Minsk. It was built at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries, the famous Italian architect Giovanni Bernardoni, wrote dogs.ru. On the hunt – a favorite pastime of Prince Radziwill – once a dog who saved his life.

In honor of his dog set in Nesvizh Radziwill castle monument which is a statue of a greyhound hound with a medal around his neck, sitting on a stone plinth. Monument to a dog in Nesvizh Castle – the oldest monument depicting the animal in Belarus: install it with redevelopment and expansion of the park at the end of the XIX century. Yekaterinburg friends By day the city of Yekaterinburg in late July 2006 near the area in 1905 on the street Weiner found many so-called "original monuments. One of the sculptural compositions called "Friends" (sculptor Boris Klochkov) – is a blacksmith, a dog and a horse. First appeared in Yekaterinburg Arbat smith growth of 2 m 25 cm with a dog, and after a few days and a horse that looks out of "window" of the building. The monument to the mayor in Riga October 18, 2006 was a monument to the mayor of Riga George Armistead, who ran the city from 1901 to 1912 (during this period in the city were built pumping stations, schools, hospitals and other public buildings, and the quality of life improved significantly Riga).