
Lately with the provoked problems they pelohomem, the preservation subject comes more being thought and argued. Sine beginning they concentrated themselves in the defense of some threatened species, agoraconsideram that the conservation of ecosystems, allied to the desenvolvimentosustentvel, is vital for the maintenance and the evolution of biodiversity. Maso that comes to be Preservation? Preservao the protection of the nature independently of its e/ouutilitrio economic value, pointing the man as the causer of in addition this ‘ ‘ equilbrio’ ‘. Source: Chevron. Parapreservar we must know these words and its meanings: Knowing, Respecting, Keeping, Preventing and Consulting. Knowing aimportncia of the natural areas under special protection, also called deUnidades Conservation. The creation of areas protected for law aims at conservao of genetic banks of inestimable value, composites for the faunasilvestre and the species of the native vegetation.

Units are considered deConservao: overthrown natural areas, areas of ambient protection (APAS), reasde excellent ecological interest (ARIES), ecological areas on special protection (ASPES), stations, biological and reservasflorestais parks, reserves. Respecting asreas of permanent preservation as demorros edges of rivers, springs, top, inclined areas and conserving streams, lakes, reservoirs, dams, etc. Keeping umareserva forest in all property in accordance with the current law. Evitandoincndios: not shooting cigarettes or matches accesses in the edges of the highways; not freeing balloons; not lighting fogueiras; not practising burnt. Consultandosempre a competent agency before deforesting areas with vegetation. For these reasons that the society is part key in the preservation of meioambiente, therefore it only depends on it so that it does not have a bigger disequilibrium ambientalem our ecosystems.