We could say that the space is more to interdisciplinar of concrete objects (SAINTS, 1996) geographic science is a very important knowledge in the formation of the future generations, since it is through it that educating has the possibility to know the space to be able in it if to organize and to create viable solutions for its survival, however, is a knowledge that being used of incorrect form, cause damage for the society. Lacoste, (apud Moreira, 1994) affirms that geography more serves before nothing pra to make the war in a clear demonstration of that geography in the ones of the space knowledge and affirms that ' ' who has knowledge has to be able and who has to be able domina' ' , (MOREIRA P 13) therefore geography is not one to know useless as they think good part of the students. A more coherent formation for the professors, would possibly be the ideal to show to its pupils the importance of this science that is present in almost all the moment of our life, a practical example is the ambient question that is being very argued had? global heating? what it comes to be the increase of the average temperature of the planet Land due the pollution caused for the development of industrialization. The school is not the only place where the education happens, therefore each one of us knows, learns, applies and teaches what presencia in the accomplishment of the work and the social relations, existing the necessity of if proving the knowledge in the practical one of day-by-day, producing it, in the terms and limits of the survival. This is the proper dynamics of the human knowledge that if express for the cognitivas facultieses of the citizens and its sensorial and motor dimensions. The individual understands, works and teaches what it knows and what comes namely for all a historical process of interaction between its species, the environment and the objects of work.