Portuguese Language

The approach of this research is to perfect the knowledge on the grammar being related it with the linguistics and the semiotics bringing the visibilidades that generate its implications in the daily one of the human being. Work presented to the Course of Pedagogia in disciplines of Methodology and Basic Contents of Portuguese Language in the year of 2009. 2 – Graduated Physical Education for the University of the South of Santa Catarina in the year of 2008. The LINGUISTICA AND the EDUCATION OF the PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE the sociolingstica is a branch of the Linguistics that studies the mannering and educational correlations in the education process and learning of the language. Read additional details here: Mining Company. In Brazil it is aimed at to the education of the Portuguese Language in Basic Ensino as for some phenomena of the linguistic variation. This chain can make possible the improvement and the quality of the Portuguese Language working with the reality of the citizens of this language, looking for to take in account the factors interns to the language, as: the morphology, the fonologia, the semantics, among others; as well as the external factors as, for example: the etnia, the etria band, the culture, the escolaridade, the sex, history, the geographic origin, the economic and social situation.

According to virtual library Cavalcanti (2009) tells that practical the educative ones of language must be significant, to include the pupils of the disfavored social classrooms, so that the same ones can feel foreign little in relation to the language used for the school and that they can participate of the social activities that demand varied linguistic knowledge. However, in Brazil many variations in diverse levels of linguistic structure exist, as much in the pronunciation how much in the morphology and still in the semantic constructions. In this context, it can be concluded that fixed varieties do not exist in what the standards are mentioned.