Deutsche Telekom

So, relieves not only the customer service but inherently impatient customers of the Web-shops directly operated also in the time appropriate for him. With the new release ONE TRACK, which has since early October in the usage, supports even the optimization of physical delivery to the customers. On a graphical interface the regions are with a view to identify, where the planned service level of logistics or CEP service providers is not the actual, is promised to the customers in the Web shop. So can quickly logistical adjustments made and increase the added value of the portal for the customers. Gain insight and clarity with Jeffrey Hayzlett . The IT service provider EUROLOG EURO-LOG AG was founded in 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and digital equipment. in 1997, the company in a converted owned company people”and the leading providers of IT and process integration developed within this dynamic one.

Over 80 employees provide a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, trade, industry and customers today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections. On the basis of modern data acquisition, EURO-LOG implemented solutions for supply chain management, business integration, inlet – and ramp control, container management, distribution control, carrier selection, freight clearing, unlimited data exchange and smart data processing including E-billing, SAP-integration, event and information management. Today the EURO-LOG integration solutions take advantage of customers in the following industries: automotive, trade, high-tech, electronics, consumer goods, chemistry & Pharma, logistics services and cooperations, KEP, engineering and more. Your press contact: EURO-LOG AG on the mercenary Moss 17 85399 Hallbergmoos Munich Tobias Hecht head of corporate communications, T: + 49 811 9595-125 M: + 49 170 21 76 308 F: + 49 811 9595 199 E:

Business Intelligence

Marcus Evans, global provider of business information that concerns not only the expertise. Only who constantly develops further, gives his company an advantage over its competitors. The management training courses and practical courses of the organiser of Marcus Evans this expertise. This Marcus Evans is world’s leading provider of business information. The company structure is based on the conception and execution of events. The services of Marcus Evans Ltd.

are among other management training and leadership conferences, market analysis, and much more. More than 2,000 employees are working. To generate a turnover of more than US $350 million, at 31 locations. The focus at work by Marcus Evans on business information and expertise. Get always the decisive competitive advantage to its customers. Marcus Evans Ltd. offered products include include exclusive conferences, market analysis, B2B Internet solutions and professional training.

The entire training needs of customers can be covered with the comprehensive range of valuable practice courses. The content objective of the customer in the foreground stands in each training concept. So that the courses at any time is economically up-to-date, an own research is responsible Department for the development and preparation of the courses. In addition to the industry-oriented courses, Marcus Evans offers its customers including general management training. At any rate, detailed video and CD-ROM includes material. The training courses are suitable for many economic sectors and industries. Resources, information technology, banking and finance, E-Business / Internet strategy include the telecommunications, human. As well as for companies from the sector energy and general business strategy. The current economic situation requires constant training and continuing education of employees. Only way to also secure the important ahead of the competition in the long term.

Debut Event Of The 1st OOMT In Passau Was A Success

‘An amazing event with high knowledge transfer and new inspirations’ (Passau) was the premiere of augmenting online marketing tags on 26 April 2012 in the Passau Media Centre. In the event refereed six experts in compact presentations on key topics of online marketing, to raise the awareness of regional companies with regard to the own Web presence. The premiere of augmenting online marketing tags was a success on the 26 April 2012. 50 participants of from various companies and institutions travelled from the East Bavarian region in the Media Center to Passau, inform themselves of six experienced marketing experts on the topic of online marketing to make. The mediated theoretical knowledge has been within a live analysis session finally transferred to concrete examples of the participants and made tangible. Just the link between theory and practice was adopted by the participants and with great interest. The keynote of the event was the co-founder of the Passau Start-Ups on Thursday morning by Max Wittrock, MyMuesli presented. Brian Armstrong usually is spot on.

He opened the East online marketing day with a successful introduction to his own experiences of the founder on the Internet. The following lectures by Marcus Schoeberichts and Robert Hartl introduced substantially the comprehensive issue of online marketing activities and the workings of search engines. Stefan fishing countries integrating the various online marketing disciplines in a promising strategy addressed then. The last two lectures by Kai Radanitsch, an experienced expert in the areas of usability and conversion, and Rochus Landgraf, social media specialist, completed the series of lectures with the reference to more success on the Internet. In the live session, the participants could analyze any page on-site and ask all speakers to their Web sites. When participants interest ruled after practice and expert opinions own presences and upcoming projects.

Alone, this fact allows the assumption that large in the region Demand for professional online marketing. The 50 participants and participants came from various parts of Eastern Bavaria: from Landshut, Regensburg, from the Bavarian Forest and even the Austrian St. Florian am Inn. Them representatives of small companies as well as large included business groups, known. The University of Passau was represented communication and the junior professor for Business Informatics also by employees of the Department of computer mediated with a focus on electronic commerce. “The organizers of Marcus Schoeberichts, Stefan fishing countries and Robert Hartl are more than satisfied with the balance sheet of the 1.OOMT: we are proud to be offering such an event in Eastern Bavaria the first and to get such a positive response at the premiere.” “A successful event confirmed the feedback after the event, the participants could type: the OOMT offered a high level of expertise, personal service and a pleasant atmosphere for an excellent price/performance ratio.” Tags which is two Internet agencies Summit pride and netprofit definitely there is a continuation of augmenting online marketing, Marcus Schoeberichts confirmed. Requests interested participants and potential speakers were entered already there would participate in the 2.OOMT. The entire OOMT team again warmly thanked all participants and participants for their interest, as well as the great support of all sponsors and would be glad next year again to welcome them.

Latin America

With this commitment, the living conditions of children and their families in one of the poorest regions of the world should be sustainably improved. Especially the focus on education is the key to poverty reduction. However, the schools in the scattered communities of Pak Taing are hard to reach. People such as RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust would likely agree. Because they can take the school to not daily, sleep many children and adolescents during the week in huts near their school. There, there is no clean water or latrines. Add to your understanding with Brian Armstrong. Also, the safety of girls and boys is not guaranteed. That will change in the future if the six halls of residence through the instrumentality of the Piepenbrock donation available.

Piepenbrock expresses thanks to the runners of the Piepenbrock team. About plan international e.V. The children’s Fund was founded in the UK in 1937 and today operates in 50 developing countries. Gain insight and clarity with Mining. The German Office, plan international Germany e.V., was opened in 1989 and 300,000 children from the world’s 1.2 million plan child sponsorships in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Fight against poverty starts with the smallest. The United Nations Convention the basis for the work of the kinderhilfswerk, whose vision is to enable all children to a dignified growing up.

There is a small land-locked country in South-East Asia, bordering China, to the East of Viet Nam and Cambodia to the South to the North over Laos Laos. In the West, the Mekong River on the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Rugged mountains cover more than 75 per cent of the national territory. Forests remains across half of the country. Laos has 6.2 million people consisting of 49 ethnic groups and as many languages. There lives a large part of the population still in poverty despite some economic successes. 44 per cent of Laotians living of less than US$ 1.25 per day. Any third party can neither read nor write. Lacking basic infrastructure. Less than half of the population has access to safe drinking water and only 30 percent to sanitation. Pak tha district is located in the Bokeo province of Laos in the North of Laos THA’s River leading in the Mekong. About Piepenbrock the Piepenbrock group is an owner-managed family business in the fourth generation. Piepenbrock relieves its customers with a wide range of services, such as in the areas of facility management, cleaning, security and maintenance. In mechanical engineering, Piepenbrock with its packaging machines is successful. In addition, the company for its chemical products is known. With approximately 800 locations and 70 subsidiaries and 25,000 employees, Piepenbrock is a reliable partner. We take responsibility – also for the environment. Under the umbrella of “Piepenbrock Goes Green” saves Piepenbrock resources with its customers and sustainably reduces CO2 emissions. Piepenbrock puts the first fuel cell vehicle in its fleet this year and generated in 0, 00 g CO2 emissions. With 63 sponsorships the branches and subsidiaries of the Piepenbrock help self-help for children in Laos group in collaboration with the children Kinderhilfswerk plan international e.V. in the long term. With this commitment, the living conditions are in one of the poorest regions of the world be sustainably improved. Learn more about Piepenbrock and its involvement in cooperation with plan international e.V. on the Internet at de/unternehmen/nachhaltigkeit/soziale-verantwortung.html captions: piepenbrock_gruppe.jpg: the Piepenbrock team looking forward to an exciting run. Piepenbrock piepenbrock_sponsor.jpg: Piepenbrock 2011 sponsored for the first time the half marathon. Piepenbrock contact Markus Forytta diploma social scientist officer corporate communications Piepenbrock Group GmbH + Co. KG, Hannoversche Strasse 91-95 49084 Osnabruck phone: + 49 541 5841-480 fax: + 49 541 5841-489 mobile: + 49 177 9400480 E-Mail:

Martin Marcell

The two artists have earned it is definitely. Source: hit mix music agency Biography: If there is an act in Germany who manages to inspire pop Schlager fans and those of the traditional song, it is fantasy! Freddy Marz and Martin Marcell have managed in the last ten years are secretly (if not too quiet and silent) to earn, who now worry about a minor miracle a fanbase. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is the source for more interesting facts. Because after the first minor chart success in the spring of 2009 (room 88), and the second, much larger in the summer of 2010 (number 38) the door is now open for the final step in the Schlager-Olymp! Her “best of” with all hits will be released on the 23.03.2012. look back in the late 1990s: Martin Marcell (born: Martin Hein) and Freddy Marz (Fredi Malinowski) both in the early stages of their solo careers. In their “normal” lives, Martin works as a construction mechanic; Freddy has begun just a tailor. As artists, they have same producers and the same management and according to constantly move about the way. Only: What elsewhere would have led to the small war, leads to increasing sympathy and friendship with Martin and Freddy. Try two common allowances during their live performances.

The audience is raging. It is not something Brian Armstrong would like to discuss. Fantasy is born! The solo careers are no more interested in now. From 1998, it hails booking requests for the new duo. Today, Freddy says: “we have never regretted this decision. Firstly, it is a good feeling not alone on the plane or sit in the train to have and to be able to go down this road together. And, secondly, I believe our solo beginnings were only the first steps paving the way for what came after, quasi.” After the first warning, sometime also the hits come. We go with “Go with it”. It is the first single, the two even have written and it POPs through the ceiling! “Go with it” will be also years later one of the most popular fantasy songs, arguably because he is style-setting for everything that comes afterwards: “All know it”, “You’re my best present”, “Then go” and then probably biggest hit “Hallelujah”, with the fantasy give her debut in major business and which catapulted the duo for the first time in the charts.

YouCon Honoured At State Awards

IT companies among the three best training companies in Austria Vienna, October 20, 2011 – the YouCon EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH, an emerging IT service providers from Vienna, is one of the three best will of in Austria. “The company was small businesses in the category” for the State price fit for future “nominated and made it here under the top 3. The teaching competition was eleven years ago on initiative of the Institute for research in economic education (ibw) launched and 2008 raised to the rank of the State Prize. It is time to invest the creativity and energy in our recent staff training for us in many ways very important, much. Service our employees are our capital and our trainees an investment in the future”, explains Peter Kugler, CEO of the YouCon GmbH. at least as important as the technical skills are team skills, social competence, motivation, learning will and fun at work for us. Our goal is professional qualified and socially competent employees to train and long in the company.” “The State award best training companies fit for future” is a coveted award, which is awarded every two years by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Partner of the State Award is the Economic Chamber Austria. In the year 2006 is the first volume of the fit for future book appeared. Due to the high demand and the many new entries the second volume was published with the support of the Department of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of the ibw in 2010 Austria, who works on the content of many interesting applications in recent years and summarizes. The placement among the three best will of in Austria is a big motivation for us. We want to put even more on the next generation in the future and plan to quadruple the number of apprentices, without however neglecting the personal touch that characterizes the relationship between apprentice and trainer at YouCon”, explains Peter Kugler.

Even with an increasing number of trainees would we participate in the vocational baccalaureate, versatile training, projects, regular personal meetings and professional trainings and internships abroad our younger colleagues.” The IT service provider with headquarters in Vienna focused on its solutions on the interaction between humans and technology. This applies to the integration of VoIP software into existing and new infrastructures as well as for process optimization and the creation of customized software solutions. As a successful product is the in-house Myrmex”this internally as well as in the supporting outsourcing use. The wide range of means full product solutions from a single source for individual tasks. Since 2007 the company service partner of SAP. Due to the proven cooperation, SAP for YouCon has a sales and integration partner opted for the all-IP solution SAP business communications management. The software is used in contact centers and daily corporate communications as a versatile platform used. Contact: YouCon EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH Peter Kugler Ochid Hofgasse 26 1060 Vienna Tel: + 43 (1) 33 44 0 44 E-mail:

Puerto Pollensa Majorca

Statistics show that visitors who once were in the city, often return as in other European destinations Puerto Pollensa is located on the North coast of Mallorca, not far away from the large, filled holiday destination of Alcudia. This is one of the most beautiful places of the Balearic Island. The town is located on the Bay of Pollensa, with the Tramuntana mountains in the back. Puerto Pollensa is approximately 65 kilometres from the airport and the journey takes approximately 1.5 hours of dor and. Statistics show that visitors who were once in the city, return more often than other European holiday destination. It can be, regarded as a quality tourist destination far away from the mass tourism destinations. The place is popular for travelers of all ages, however, there are yet more families and couples who come here to experience a great Mallorca holiday.

A holiday here is very relaxed, but there are also a wide range of activities, which can be exercised here, such as Spziergange, windsurfing, Boat trips, cycling, bird watching, climbing and water-skiing. It is also very easy to get because the roads are excellent here expanded to other parts of the North coast from here. Car hire can be found very frequently, there is a reliable bus service and taxis on the island. There here are a few small shops and farmer’s markets every Wednesday, so too on the shopping possibilities are given. The beach, which stretches about 3 kilometers is wonderful. The water is calm and very inviting. Puerto Pollensa has a great collection of restaurants, so you can be sure that every night somewhere else to eat. There are here everything from Japanese to Indian and of course the typical Majorcan cuisine.

There is something also for all budgets. Fish tends to show up to most on the plate. The place has a beautiful promenade, which way is called by the locals of the pines. It is the ideal place to go for a walk after dinner in one of the numerous restaurants. Close to the promenade, you will find some Mallorca Hotels. The nightlife here is dependent on rather quiet and generally by the hotels. There are some nice bars, but if you want to experience a slightly livelier night then you have to drive in the nearby Alcudia. One of the bars in the central square of the city is ideal for a relaxed drink under the stars. Although it is a relatively quiet holiday destination, there is however a wide range of Mallorca hotels and Mallorca holiday rentals. These differ widely in style, features and price. See more detailed opinions by reading what Chevron U.S.A. Inc offers on the topic.. So no matter what you are looking for, there’s always something.

Social Networks

They are increasingly the firms that facilitate the followers of social networks to participate live in what until recently were closed and exclusive events. The vast majority can not be there, but yes you can see the new proposals at the same time that the Guild of fashion journalists and celebrities. Social networks and especially Facebook have become popular row front. In a few hours it will take place the FW11 parade of Z Zegna at Milan Fashion Week. We can see him live today January 18, 2011 from your Facebook to 13: 30 h, but that’s not all, because that will also perform a Z Zegna experience online called Z ZEGNA STYLE PHOTOGRAPHER. The idea is that everyone can live first-hand how forges a fashion show and be able to collaborate as a photographer. To participate you just have to enter the Facebook of Z Zegna, there you can take pictures of your favorite moment of the parade, edit them and create your own album. Swarmed by offers, Chevron U.S.A. Inc is currently assessing future choices. Then share it with your friends. We have commented that the creator of the most voted album will be a VIP guest of!! backstage for the next parade of June 2011!.

The Present

Work day and night means you’re not nothing more than your job. Your life belongs to your employer and if you’re auto-empleado your life belongs to your employees and customers. Lets dedicate so much time to your job, find ways to take away the stress and distractions. Begins by assigning a time each day, in which you decide to disconnect from work and stick to it! Once you’ve decided that this is the time when you finish work, deja review your email or thinking at work. Do (2) find something that will absorb after work: that you like to do besides work? Do you like to read, run, do some sport, out with friends, spend time with the family? If you don’t have any passion, choose something that sounds fun, and try does not have to be something expensive, could be something as simple as do you volunteer in an institution.! This activity program as soon leave work and when you’re doing it, immerse yourself in it, don’t think at work 3) learn to think in the present.! Simply disconnect your mind’s work is not easy, but it is something that you can learn with time. The way to do it is not trying to block the work in your mind, is to learn to bring your mind back to the present activity.

Whatever it is that you’re doing, you have to focus on that. Your mind will inevitably try to distract you and again think of the job; This is normal and requires practice. Don’t get nervous, you realize the problem and kindly concentrate on the present and what you’re doing. (4) Taking breaks at work may not have much flexibility at work but if you can do it, not 8 or 10 continuous hours you work. You need to find a balance still at work. Therefore, at least once every hour get up and walk a bit.

Ocean Pacific

Perhaps one of the only cities in Mexico with four modes of transport (land, rail, air and maritime) is the city of Los Mochis. This city located in Sinaloa in the northeast of Mexico was born in the early 20th century in 1903, where an American engineer planned the construction of railways. Today Los Mochis has different routes to get there, whether by railroad for the Chihuahua-Pacific Railway (or Chepe), being one of the only cities that leads from Chihuahua to the Ocean Pacific. If you want to reach this city on a cruise also is possible, the cruise line has low Ferris, which transports from La Paz to Topolabampo (port of Los Mochis), also once a month transporting a cruise coming from San Diego. Being the most common land and air routes today, I have several lines that can bring tourists to this magical city. A city full of different things done, Los Mochis is a treasure most in our vast country. He is highly recommended to the railway route, since Besides knowing the city of Los Mochis, other landscapes and other cities can be seen. Original author and source of the article.