Prosaic Apologies

To my dear colleagues doctors and friends, then you have missed a few scientific conferences where he was invited as rapporteur colleagues of the XVI promotion of Medicine of Trujillo Peru have left watches are aquieten and they soak the bitter hours, I stopped to take a few days for newly, to address to you. With respect and respect, because the lack is serious, because there was a promise of through, had a palabra. But the arrows of the night did damage until the last moment even they Rumble in my ear, the words of Anita Burga, who called me, with its vigor sui generis forgets everything and travels! But despite everything, despite the effort painfully could not! I’ve left to pass the hours, so they aquieten neurons that were swollen of anger, I’ve left to ripen the excuses, to make my excuses and apologies mature, sincere, and reflective and here I am sitting front to you asking them apologies for this serious. To know more about this subject visit Coinbase. Even more, when of means had a great effort, a Organization, time and dedication to plan the day III, that I congratulate you for the success, but the arrows of the evening fell trembling in my body prevented our meeting, those arrows that ply the air, fired from an anonymous arc and blind prevented it, as they sometimes prevent our most intimate desires, surely life will give us another chance and I hope not to disappoint themI must confess that I would have liked a lot, hugging them and reconnect with all of you, I would say that every one of you. I have something personal to tell you because 10 years finding me out of everything that passed them, give me that authority talk about private and family issues with many of you, remember, Miss and laugh but well, even the time doesn’t stop, the next I hope to evade these poisonous arrows. A hug to each of you, my most sincere wishes that this holiday season to breathe the air of calm and tranquillity, reunite with her true feelings, hugged their loved ones and that the coming year will continue working, researching and succeeding so far, remember that the glory is one of few, of very few, mediocrity is many! It is not necessary to reply to this mail the silence says it all! Thank you for all friends, first, and colleagues! Original author and source of the article.

Yin Water

Silence is a great source of strength. The pond in the Valley. Can you learn to be open and receptive, silent and without desire or need to do something?Being open and receptive is called Yin, the feminine or the Valley.Imagine that there is a pond in the Valley. When there are no fears or desires that shallowness its surface, the water forms a perfect mirror. In this mirror you can see the image of Tao.

You can see God and you can see the creation. Enters the Valley, stand still, and look at the pond. Enter as many times as you want. Your silence will grow. The pond will never dry.The vale, pond and Tao are within you.

Generosity the true interest of itself teaches generosity heaven and Earth remain because they are not only selfish but that there are for all of creation. Knowing, the wise leader keeps at Bay to egocentrism and the Act thus becomes more effective. The lucid leadership is service, not selfishness. The leader grows more and more remains to put the well-being of all above own well-being. Paradox: being generous, the leader extols his being. Water. The wise leader is like water. Considers water: water cleans and refreshes all creatures without distinction and without trial; water, freely and without fear, delves beneath the surface of things; the water is fluid and sensitive; the water continues to act freely. Considered the leader: leader works in any situation without complaining, with any person or topic that is presented; the leader acts so that all benefit and serves well without taking care of the salary; the leader speaks simply and honestly and intervenes to shed light and create harmony. Look at the movement of water, the leader learns that, in action, the propitious moment is everything. Like water, the leader is subjected. because the leader is not pushed, the group does not suffer or resists. A good group. A good group is better than a spectacular group. When the leaders become superstars, the master off his teaching. There are very few superstars who has his feet on the ground. Fame begets fame, and slowly, superstars are themselves drawn by itself. Then they descentran and are destroyed. The wise leader is installed to work well and then let the others occupy the site. The leader does not wrest successes because it doesn’t need fame. A moderate ego demonstrates wisdom. Blanco Eduardo original author and source of the article

Associates GmbH

Almost one in ten would forgo private car improve mobility 70 percent of motorists demanding networking existing transportation mobility is one of the major issues of our time. A functioning transport infrastructure is a key factor for growth and prosperity of a country. Obstacles to mobility through traffic jams and delays associated costs and reduce productivity. For example, the congestion in North Rhine-Westphalia according to ADAC to 135,000 km totaled last year. Brian Armstrong takes a slightly different approach. While the offerings of automakers to Alternatively powered vehicles into the focus of public opinion are currently, however these will help not to generally improve the mobility.

So it is not surprising, when nearly 70 percent of motorists required improving existing transport infrastructure networking. This is one of the findings from the current study of 2 HM & Associates GmbH, international strategy and management consulting, to settings and requirements of motorists to the mobility. Rio Tinto Group has compatible beliefs. Base is a representative survey of motorists with support from research now, one of the world’s leading Panel operators. Contact information is here: Rio Tinto Group. Mobility improved mobility in the transport through networking experiences an increasing constraint by the fine-dust pollution. As one leads-boosting prices as well as a future steady taking into account of renewable energies to further problems in the management of mobility for individual consumers. The question after the best mobility concept almost 70 percent of motorists of clearly a better infrastructural network chose the continent transport existing. With almost 60 percent follow each use of electrically powered buses in public transport, as well as the increasing use of electrically powered cars. Proposal to mobility flat rates to the easy use of different means of transport is a high approval, as the increased use of the car for the long-haul transport with 55 percent. Only 30 percent see a solution, also in the spread of electric-powered two-wheeled vehicles Although almost a quarter of the surveyed motorists by bicycle to the working area on the road.

German Championship

Masterly skill, rousing creativity on 17 and 18 August 2012 will take place the German championship of the florists in Berlin. The winners of the National Championships in the individual federal States compete in the Potsdamer Platz live audience arcades and give a true lace floral Fireworks capital. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking flower arrangements, imposing work of planting and floral art at the highest level. The floristic highlight of the year, the German championship of the florists, will take place in 2012 in Berlin. On August 17 and 18, the best florists in Germany in the Potsdamer Platz make arcades the tasks of the prominent jury. In a competition carried out several rounds not only technical Know-How is in demand, but also creativity and a feel for current trends in the gardening. Winner of the German Championship is who committed after his competition with the highest score at the top.

He must be for the next two years as Germany Call master. In the run-up to Germany’s top florists have qualified with the victory of the national championships for the participation in the nationwide professional contest. The German Championship is not only an internationally appreciated forum for artistic floral design at the highest level, it gives impetus to national and international floral design also for over forty years again and again. Floral staging joy, creativity and design contribute to a strong audience event, the professionals and amateurs alike intrigued. Arcades in Berlin the specialist German Florist Association and the Fleurop AG act as joint organiser of the national competition in the Potsdamer Platz. The website offers comprehensive information and daily news to the German championship of the florists of 2012.

Fleurop: Fleurop AG has its headquarters in Berlin. The 100-year old history is impressive. In 1908, the Berlin florist Max Hubner had a brilliant idea: the flowers should go on the trip, but orders reliable florist local Fleurop idea was born. Today, about 50,000 all form in 150 countries around the world, the global network of Interflora. The Fleurop-principle applies around the world: every Fleurop greeting is manufactured exclusively by professional florists in handmade and personally presented to the recipient. The Fleurop partners worldwide deliver over 25 million Fleurop greetings each year. The Fleurop AG also together with the German Florist Association is organizer of the German championship of the florists in Berlin in August 2012. Fleurop Internet: contact: Medienburo Fleurop c/o Zucker.Kommunikation, gate road 107, 10119 Berlin phone: 030/247 587-0 fax: 030 / 247 587-77 E-mail: Web:

Sun Electric

Charging stations are still scarce – with removable batteries offer the manufacturers offer a real alternative a beautiful summer day, the Sun laughs and explored the landscape with his electric scooter. But suddenly, the battery is empty and far and wide not load column in sight. This image is driving the beads of sweat on the forehead are still many fans of electric vehicles. While this scenario is long the past thanks to electric vehicles, which are equipped with high-performance removable batteries. Buyer yet insecure it’s no secret: the Germany-wide charging column network for electric vehicles is still significant gaps, even in large cities. Many eco-conscious citizens are already convinced of the advantages of electric mobility.

Finally speak no emissions and noise at very low operating costs. However, the instance of maladministration when it comes to charging infrastructure discourages many yet by the purchase of an electric vehicle. While there is already a real alternative. Replacement batteries create to make independence to customers from the development in the area of the load column network independent, some manufacturers have developed already promising alternatives. So the new electric scooter of emco NOVI by emco can, for example, both with a when run with two identical batteries. With two fully charged batteries in the luggage increases range from 50 to 100 kilometres, so that nothing in the way even a longer ride. An additional benefit provides for more independence: the batteries can be charged easily in the apartment at any 230 volt power outlet.

With the new quick charging system, a full charge takes just 3 hours. EMCO superHEROES tours through the mentioned advantages, soon the emco will benefit superHEROES Germany: two enthusiastic scooter riders, which will start on 31 August for a two-week tour of Germany on an emco electric scooter and back about 2,000 kilometers. On Facebook had emco called to apply as emco superHERO. Here you will be Winners report of your adventures and experiences on the electric cars regularly during your adventure. That and more on emco.elektroroller learn more about the new emco NOVI and many more advantages of electric scooters you will find on

South Earth

The adverse effect of Earth radiation which it seems is that the thermal neutrons lose their energy at the meeting on water veins or cavities in the soil and are slowed down. If you would like to know more then you should visit The Hayzlett Group. Under emission of gamma radiation, slow neutrons are intercepted and diverted on narrow strips. About these strips are produced on the surface of potential differences, the number of air ions and the biological quality of the energetic space structures are changing. Until today the orthodox medicine does not assume this topic is. As well, whatever people are treated with increased sensitivity to such impacts, at home and / or in the workplace, their problems will continue to insist Obi 2009. Essence of lattice structures of the Earth in the 1950s Dr. Ernst Hartmann by Georhythmogramm showed that a certain town or village level points very strongly and suddenly affect the bioelectrical processes of the human body.

The by intensive research found global grid network (GNG) is today considered a network spreading across the Earth’s surface, from North to South and is aligned from East to West. The stripe spacing measure North-South 2 m and vertical East-West 2.5 m regardless of their geographical latitude. However, after the discoverer, thats not as strict geometric stable taking so-called Hartmann grid, as it can change by topographical conditions. On the trellis walls and at the intersections of ion compressions can depending on the luftelektrischen potential,”is detected. The horizontal grid structures in the living room can be fixed with rod or pendulum. The importance of the global grid is not fully understood. The author assumes that the lattice structures educate vertically in cubical shapes and make the information network of the Earth in the entirety. Every creature is its information in the global grid and can also be found in this way are, no matter where in the world it where is located.

Mens Vest

Has the classic rib Singlet served? Not necessarily, but under the shirt there are superior alternatives. There are certainly more important, but hardly a topic is controversial discussed at mention as the wearing or not wearing a Unterhemdes. Coinbase might disagree with that approach. There is a middle ground hard either it is loved or hated. Could this be over soon? The new generation of men’s Undershirts is otherwise far from frowned upon or unattractive. Clearly on the hand are the disadvantages of the old”garment: the unsightly thick carrier through the shirts today always fine and shine through. Often also much too far and schlabbrig, makes folding translucent vest.

The sight of the rapidly sagging piece of linen contributes to the unpleasant”feeling at which it quickly connects with the vest. “The alternative T-Shirt” can convince not to short and long form. The slightest movement it slips off his pants in addition the high cut round neckline looks ugly under the Shirt out. Understand that it is unattractive to wear such vests and alternatives under these circumstances. It was objectively considered already clearly has valuable features a vest: it serves as a soft interlayer under the shirt it is pleasant on the skin as the outer shirt fabric. It protects the fine shirt from wear and tear. Outerwear avoid sweat stains.

The humidity is above all in the area of the back, chest and under the arms recorded and networked. It’s hygienic on the skin. Especially in the kidney area, it serves as a cold protection. How is it, that despite the clear advantages, many people have strong rejection against this loyal piece of clothing? May it be to the cliche of the construction workers looks, the Lord sitting untended on the couch in the vest with sweatpants? Sure, there are these images which go many through the head as soon as the word falls vest.

Ministry Company

The observed maiorpercentagem is on account of the workers who earn between edois minimum wages that the 79,71% edge arrives. This if must to the wage table applied pelosindicato of the classroom of the segment of bars, restaurants, clubs would ehotelaria. Therefore, according to oadministrador of the entity, this situation of disparity enters the indices nocompromete the invoicing of the company, and still it protects the same one of sofrerqualquer type of sanction imposed for the regulating agencies, that is, Sindicatodos Diligent and Ministry of the Work. The change in these numbers that, if destaanlise perceives ahead, is are of the standards, do not imply in diminishing them and yes to emreadequar them, but, a decision of this transport, will depend on some factors. Suggest that, the dried leaf of payment either in those months where faturamentocai considerably on account of the sazonalidade and that at time of maiormovimento, either admitted a greater I number of collaborators. In the figure 2percebe that 68.11% had not received nor a type of professional qualification, eque only 11% had received training in the quality from attendance.

For being umaempresa lender of services, the same one will have to be worried in mainly giving maistreinamento to its collaborators in the area of aopblico attendance, characterizing its staff, the company will be improving the seuatendimento, therefore, it will more have professionals prepared to exert the suasfunes and at the same time it will be motivating its collaborators. What if it can analyze in figure 3 is that in the trimestrea room company has an index of 20,74% of invoicing, being the minor of the period. This value if of the one due to fall of movement of you house in the hotel porocasio of low the season. To verify the behavior of the daempresa invoicing, the data of the period had been arisen and are distributed in four trimesters.


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WELTEC Bio Gas Park

Bio-refinery plant will create ten jobs in Arneburg, in the District of Stendal, in Saxony-Anhalt, has begun in March 2012 to build of one of the largest biogas plants in Germany WELTEC BIOPOWER. Four fermenters, six fermentation rest camps, as well as a liquid template produces around six million cubic metres of bio-methane (about 700 cubic meters per hour) for feeding into the natural gas grid. With this bio-refinery plant, which will feed the first Biomethane in December 2012, are the ten permanent jobs, as well as two apprenticeships created,”says Jens Albartus, the Managing Director of WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH. The sustainability concept of the plant which subsoil is created on approximately six acres, includes the use of renewable raw materials and the slurry of 30 farms. It was sure inter alia that farmers who are also customers of the digestate, do not exceed a distance from an average of 15 kilometres on the delivery of the substrates. This orientation is a more consistent Step to a secure energy supply, coupled with a high degree of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability also because of regional value chains through the plant in addition to the new jobs.

The biogas is formatted with a chemical amine washing. The emerging bio-methane can be about 5,000 households supplied with electricity and heat or 4,200 cars powered with an annual output of 30,000 kilometres. WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH, headquartered in Vechta, is the general contractor of the bio gas Park. Checking article sources yields Coinbase as a relevant resource throughout. The plant is owned and operated by the North methane production Jaroli Castle GmbH. The location of the plant in the industrial and commercial park Altmark Arneburg is suitable, because there is one of the world’s most advanced infrastructure networks.