
Like Obtaining and Conserving its Credit In our days many reasons exist to make use of the credit. The possibility of carrying a plastic card instead of a pile of tickets is very advisable without stopping considering the reason but obvious, which is not other that the fact that it is more and more difficult to live in the society of today without having antecedents registered in the networks that control the use of the credit. Without a doubt the credit cards are necessary for, for example: to reserve hotels, to rent automotive vehicles, to carry out purchases by catalogue or telephone. In some places it is necessary to own a credit card until being able to rent videos, without stopping mentioning the indispensable thing that turn out to count on a good credit if it is tried to obtain a loan in cash, with a reasonable interest, to the acquisition of an automobile or a house. The credit cards also offer a sense of endorsement or security because it is attributed to them that they have the power to solve situations of emergencia, like unexpected diseases, accidents or expensive repairs of urgent accomplishment.

Lamentably along with these advantages some disadvantages coexist then because when offering a security sense induces the individual not to resort to the personal saving for the cover of emergencia situations. The good use of the credit demands of whom it owns the consideration of some essential points: The purchases on credit can be but considerably expensive due to the payment from interests and additional costs when the balances are not cancelled in time and forms, without unknown that the holders of credit cards run the risk of being exposed to swindles and frauds they misled if them or the number of its account was copied to them. Counting on a certain one to be able of purchase can take to the temptation to fall in the overdraft being created a situation it jeopardize in the future, whenever we entered unevenness in the relation entrance-debits, the costs of the landslide of the covered victories could not jeopardize the familiar economy seriously, with the consequent conflicts that situations of this type carry generally.

Latin America

Even for many analysts, domestic consumption is what is holding the fortress on the growth of economies. That is what they are perceiving large retail chains in the region that are taking advantage of the moment to expand regionally and grow (at the time that helps them diversify risks to diversify investments territorially). I have already commented about the Chilean Cencosud (IPC:CENCOSUD) and its regional expansion plan. Something similar has been doing another Chilean company: Falabella which made investments during 2007 for US $600 million and announced an investment plan for the other $2 billion (already has investments in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia). Penny Stocks Latam now in Spanish cheap actions that analysts will not reveal it.

During the last year and a half, one of the strings of most profitable shares of Wall Street could have converted U$ S 200 u $S 9.4 million. I will show you how in one second. I am referring to the actions that are not mentioned in the stock programs that never appear in The Wall Street Journal or Investor s Business Daily and those by which your stock agent would prefer to die before telling it to you (because you want them for your own portfolio!). Click here to continue reading. -At the end of the week just ended, the Grupo Elektra (BMV:ELEKTRA) – the greater Mexico-Electronics retail chain, shook the market with the news that will invest about US $2 billion during the next five years to open 1,500 stores in Brazilian territory (where just a few weeks, inaugurated its first branch). Elektra would thus open 300 branches per year in Brazil (which will also include its financial subsidiary Banco Azteca). Why choose Elektra to Brazil? do does need to say it? for the Elektra Chairman, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, (Brazil) is an enormous market with many needs.

It is probably greater than Mexico for us in the next five to 10 years. The prospects for growth in earnings that opens to the Grupo Elektra with this ambitious expansion plan make their actions to gain attraction. But they already had attractive if one looks at the financial indicators of the same, with a good profitability (ROE 38.6%), a good P/E (of 12.22) and a low volatility (a beta of 0.58). I believe that actions of the Grupo Elektra are attractive to have in an investment portfolio. Perhaps in the short term, the international crisis reaches have some impact on Latin American economies will have to wait a little longer to find out what it seems it is clear, and they are showing these companies and others with strong investments in the region, is that the prospects of domestic in Latin America are more than auspicious. You will find us again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo Autor original and source of the article.

The Planet

We could say that the space is more to interdisciplinar of concrete objects (SAINTS, 1996) geographic science is a very important knowledge in the formation of the future generations, since it is through it that educating has the possibility to know the space to be able in it if to organize and to create viable solutions for its survival, however, is a knowledge that being used of incorrect form, cause damage for the society. Lacoste, (apud Moreira, 1994) affirms that geography more serves before nothing pra to make the war in a clear demonstration of that geography in the ones of the space knowledge and affirms that ' ' who has knowledge has to be able and who has to be able domina' ' , (MOREIRA P 13) therefore geography is not one to know useless as they think good part of the students. A more coherent formation for the professors, would possibly be the ideal to show to its pupils the importance of this science that is present in almost all the moment of our life, a practical example is the ambient question that is being very argued had? global heating? what it comes to be the increase of the average temperature of the planet Land due the pollution caused for the development of industrialization. The school is not the only place where the education happens, therefore each one of us knows, learns, applies and teaches what presencia in the accomplishment of the work and the social relations, existing the necessity of if proving the knowledge in the practical one of day-by-day, producing it, in the terms and limits of the survival. This is the proper dynamics of the human knowledge that if express for the cognitivas facultieses of the citizens and its sensorial and motor dimensions. The individual understands, works and teaches what it knows and what comes namely for all a historical process of interaction between its species, the environment and the objects of work.

Dow Jones Industrial

As one shows more of the universe is governed by feelings and beliefs are that determine people’s lives, as Andrew Corentt tells us in his book I am happy, I am rich, a recent study seems to indicate that humor, feelings of people determine the performance of the shares in the stock market. Note: This article is based on information taken from the site This is surprising to some, not to human development experts that long time they insist that people should always keep a sense of happiness, optimism, positivity for success, wealth and happiness. A recent study indicates that messages as short as 140 characters can predict the behavior of the market with up to a 90% accuracy. Research of Johan Bollen of Indiana University and two colleagues of his shows that Twitter is a good predictor of the mood of the market. They found that level of calm or anxiety relative in virtual universe of Twitter coincides fairly well with evolution the Dow Jones Industrial average will have four days later. According to research from Johan Bollen of Indiana University, and two colleagues, Twitter turns out to be an accurate predictor of the mood of the market. The researchers found that the level of calm or on anxiety in the Twitter universe in general matches evolution that will take the Dow Jones Industrial average four days later. Bollen study, and his colleagues at the University of Indiana Huina Mao and Xiao-Jun Zeng, of the school of the University of Manchester computer science consisted of the analysis of millions of messages, since 2008, and subsequent classification according to the mood which showed, did the masses that Alexis were happy or sad, calm or anxious, hostile or welcome?with confused or mental clarity? Then the researchers compared the changing moods with the evolution of Dow Jones in 2008. Some pairings as alegre/sad or determined/confused have no power predictive but pairing anxious/calm if it had.

The Time

A thing I guarantee, this last one, I go to make you to grow. If you want to grow, skirt of the comodismo, the zone of comfort. To try to be efficient and efficient is total irrelevant if it does not know where and as to apply the time. She is necessary to make use of objectives and goals very evaluated well and clear, where if none does not have more doubt. A simple form to identify these priorities is if to ask how much it would like to earn for month and to divide this for the 160 working hours. An identified time this value (it has that to be a viable challenge and at the same time of being reached), determines that of now in ahead it will not make nothing that pays less of what this value for the moment, multiplied for the time that could delay.

The time is main resource that we make use to gain money, agrees? Then, as it is using its time currently? If you were to analyze where she applies its time, with certainty he would be surpreso with how many activities that are made per day and that it does not have as much importance. Now, to know with precision which they are these activities, he needs to have full conscience of them, and for this he goes to be necessary to make a register detailed of everything what he makes during one or two weeks at least. The difference between the managers who obtain better resulted and the ones that do not obtain, exactly working 18h per day, is exactly in as to use this precious resource that is finite. It is a question to identify and to work with priorities. Then, to use to advantage the time, you better it must know with details it is applying where it currently.

What Comes After A Carpenter?

The profession of the joiner and the numerous training opportunities so the budding carpenters and Joiners in Germany worry slow, what doing so pending after their apprenticeship. Rightly so, because who begins an apprenticeship in the joiner / Carpenter, is usually a creative, confident and single-minded man. And what is a purposeful people closer than further training? Nothing! So, it’s to find out now. What specs does the Carpenter profession? Or want to make a master craftsman? These are tough questions, which you should make exact thoughts. Often helps here already a no-obligation consultation with the competent carpenters Guild.

Here, issues such as the need for specialised personnel can be clarified. May be something for the young carpenters the specialization or the training to the engineers for wood technology? The Web site deals with the various training opportunities and shows what paths for the freshly baked Carpenter possible are. Whether training to the production planner, Restorer or business administration or bachelor to the certified wood engineers, interior designers or Dipl.-ing Holztechnik. Or the specialization to the undertaker, cabinetmaker or carpenters, the profession of the Carpenter is not only a highly interesting, but also a very multifaceted. Hardly an other professional offers his performing journeyman or even further indicated continued occupational groups more opportunities and interesting gears in outlying areas of other professions. So carpenters do not when wood is left alone, he works also deal with metal and glass. About canopies or banisters, these combinations are very popular. Summary: Who likes in a crafting profession works, not focus exclusively on one thing, sent in dealing with his hands or also when thinking, is right in the profession of the Carpenter and his numerous training opportunities. Thomas Klein

Mercosur Parliament

For those who are identified with the role that Latin America this manifertando in recent years towards their economic liberation and dependence on the great powers, especially in the financial apsectos, in addition to the possibilities of giving way to new commercial activities, integration that favors him, we cannot ignore that represents the serious crisis facing the world in the financialwhich is not considered their effects, in this case the Mercosur, an Alliance that we have been studying since its inception, more when Venezuela wants to dabble in it, invites us to consider that it is what is to be achieved with this Summit that began in Brazil on 15, December 16 this year 2008 Venezuela keeps its aspirations of being a very active player within MercosurHowever is known, that he still hopes that the congresses of Brazil and Paraguay approved its incorporation as a full Mercosur member, after that in December 2005 it signed a framework agreement on accession. This is one of the political points more conflicting underlying on the Mercosur agenda within a week of the Summit in San Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. Deputy Roberto Conde, Member of the Mercosur Parliament, told the AP that there is no novelty, but the issue has not progressed on a definition of the congresses of Brazil and Paraguay. At the Mercosur Summit is not expected that the issue be addressed since it will be doomed to burning trade issues and even now, in the light of the international financial crisis which introduced a new framework on the economic prospects for the subregion. In the framework agreement of 2005, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay pledged to achieve free trade with Venezuela, according to a schedule of tariff liberalization that was going from 2010 to 2013, and some exceptions to 2014. At the Summit, in addition, there may be another sticking point and is the claim from Paraguay to Brazil on the binational Itaipu Dam.

SUMMICSM Pioneering Semantics

The start-up brand A trend GmbH sets a new standard in the fully automated encoding of Heidelberg with intelligent analysis service, 17 September 2013 with the unique software solution SUMMICS-M brand A trend GmbH founded a year ago from Heidelberg presents a new intelligent evaluation service for dynamic data collection in market research. The innovative combination of semantics and analysis technology worldwide for the first time offers a fully automated system for the coding of open questions. The successful implementation of market research projects requires optimal results in a very short time and that at competitive conditions. With SUMMICS-M, our customers receive perfect results in unprecedented speed: market research agencies and institutes, operational researchers and companies of the private sector can easily even large amounts of data quantitatively as qualitatively analyze, avoid the error rates of the manual coding and are finally independent of human resources. Thus, they can fully on their Core competencies focus,”said Markus Schneider, CEO of brand A trend GmbH. Especially the evaluation of qualitative market research data from open questions is subject to still mostly a very elaborate process with high error rates, because the coding plan with corresponding encoding is still manually performed. Here is the deep semantics and analysis system SUMMICS-M and simplifies this procedure as the first software solution all over the world through intelligent automation. The treatment of the data provided goes through several stages of semantics, establishes relationships between the different properties of Textclouds and grouped them by a specially developed process of learning.

SUMMICS-M supports all major languages, categorized in complete statements and independently compresses them to categories and subcategories. Last, the results are summarized in a dynamic and interactive dashboard to meet individual requirements. Whether SUMMICS M structured social media data, contact forms or online data collection, categorized and analyzed any kind of data. Customers gain insights about consumers, markets and trends in unprecedented speed, accuracy and density. The development and business intelligence has become correspondingly successfully solution SUMMICS-G in the technology reference market for the game industry. About fire A trend: the brand A trend GmbH is a company from Heidelberg, Germany and was founded in the year 2012.

With this innovative subsidiary concentrates the HMI – Human machine intelligence GmbH on a new generation of qualitative data analysis. Fire A trend develops automated solutions in the area of business intelligence, data management and analysis, which are tailored to specific business processes of the customer. They offer also business content for a variety of systems and tasks together with our cooperation partners. So, get customers in addition to high-quality evaluations also concentrated know-how and are a step ahead of the market. You will find additional material and information about the fire A trend GmbH and the services offered to the official Website more information received at: wildcard communications GmbH Marcus Ertl senior publicist Kaflerstrasse 8 D-81241 Munchen Tel: + 49 (0) 89-99 82 07 131 mobile: 98-933 email: website: blog: Communicartoon:

Cheap Private Health Insurance

HanseMerkur plans to continue with the controversial low-cost rates. The cheap rates of private health insurance (PKV) were criticized several times in the past by consumer protection agencies. For privately insured, complete a cheap car, there are some dangerous performance gaps, warned in the last year, for example, financial test. For the HanseMerkur the business with the cheap car but was worth it. The HanseMerkur insurance group has can register in the year 2011 as many new customers as never before. Association has in particular the cheap car Einsteigertarifen last year to owe a lot sales. More than 200,000 customers who previously have health insurance statutory health insurance or at another car provider, 2011 opted for a cheap car at the HanseMerkur insurance group.

In addition to the growth of the health insurance recorded HanseMerkur in addition over 25,000 new customers who completed a supplemental insurance at the insurance group. PKV cheap rates 2012 This year, she wants to hold HanseMerkur due to the success of the business model and continue to offer the customers a cheap car. Concerns that the insurance group because of the low tariffs similar to may interfere such as, for example, the central health insurance last year in trouble, the Board doesn’t have the HanseMerkur. The Central had need to close 2011 cheap rates for new business because the cheap PKV had caused ultimately to high cost of insurance. Because the HanseMerkur got the offer of cheap car for about ten years in the range, it was familiar with the calculation and fear no miscalculations, said on behalf of the Management Board of the insurance group. Cheap car in the criticism warn consumer advocates, meanwhile, to choose private health insurance alone for a reasonable price.

Medical progress and increasing quality in the health care market lead overall, that increase the cost of health care. If a cheap car Select risk at worst dangerous performance gaps, according to experts. For insurers, that cheap to calculate their tariffs, also insist the danger that they must charge their customers in the longer term with huge increases in premiums. Consumers who are looking for a cheap, but at the same time powerful and post stable PKV, take necessarily a competent consultation for this reason, before you decide on a car. Editor: C. Gorner

Exploratory Testing Profession

The compact training for the professional testers Leipzig, March 2013: on 28/29 November 2013 the exploratory Seminar takes place for the second test. Under the technical direction of Prof. Dr. Mario Winter (University of applied sciences Cologne) this is carried out in Stuttgart. Application systems must be tested in the context of development projects. This task often falls to staff from the Department, acting as the customer, client or user.

Only they know the professional relationships, which are implemented in the application, in sufficient breadth and depth. With this knowledge, they can assess whether the application in functional and qualitative terms meets your requirements. These technical tests are not performed but often with defined test cases, but the professional testers try intuitively the application. This type of test also known as exploratory testing. The difficulty in this test procedure is now that you don’t know exactly how well the application is really tested.

The professional Tester is especially specialist, but usually It lacks the methodical and technical know-how to good exploratory testing. How to provoke errors in an application? What are the typical weak points? What inputs and value areas frequently cause problems? Is the application not up to the breadcrumbs? How do you find as many as possible of the critical error? There is much experience knowledge, which is the professional testers but often not known. In this seminar, professional testers are trained to exactly these questions. The knowledge is presented completely practical, applied in group exercises and deepened, and can be applied after the seminar immediately. The agenda: 28 November 2013 (10:30 17:00) welcome, introduction, basic concepts of agility and testing plan exploratory testing with test missions and test charters perform exploratory testing in test sessions November 29, 2013 (08:30 16:00) use of bug attacks and well-measured checklists using test methods helpful tools of methodologies exploratory testing of the teacher: Prof. Dr. Mario Winter teaches and Research at the Faculty of computer science and engineering of the University of applied sciences Cologne. In his area of expertise “software quality assurance”, Prof. Dr. Winter has extensive industrial and college-bound project and training experience and is the author of numerous publications in this area, E.g. the 2010 published book “Basics of model-based test”. Mario Winter was spokesman for the GI – Fachgruppe “Test, analyze and verify software” (TAV) from 2003 to 2011 and there is member of the Working Group “Test object-oriented programs/Modellbasierter” (TOOP/MBT). He is a founding member of the “German testing Board e.V.” in the international software testing qualification board (ISTQB) and of the research project “Software quality” of the University of applied sciences Cologne. Learn more about this seminar: goto/exptest contact: software forums Leipzig GmbH Street 16. 04103 Leipzig Manuela Heinze team network and event T + 49 (0) 3 41 / 124 55 63 about the Software forums Leipzig: Software forums of Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, build an interdisciplinary IT network, to enable the transfer of knowledge and the professional exchange between business and science, to promote and to support. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.