A Full Charge Liquidity

Vantargis factoring provides free factoring-check carriers at Munich, 03.12.2008 it makes the current financial crisis particularly difficult to secure their liquidity the nearly 20,000 German forwarders. Many small and medium-sized forwarders have full order books and want to expand the business, but financially quickly reach their limits, when their customers long payment targets. Finally, the truck, diesel, toll and personnel costs must be paid on time. Factoring can while creating as alternative funding solution and sustainably secure the liquidity of the company. The entrepreneur receives an immediate inflow of liquidity through the sale of its assets. He does not wait until the customer pays the outstanding bills, but gets his money within two business days. The Vantargis factoring trucking companies now offers a free factoring-check.

Interested parties can contact 089 242 937 318 non-binding information whether factoring can be used in your company, where the benefits There are and how much the whole thing. Transport companies have to consider whether they can permanently safeguard their liquidity with factoring the possibility in the brief telephone conversation”, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring. Should miss no company this service”. Factoring for trucking companies: a practical example In the fictitious case study the Rais forwarding factoring for their growth inserts. The Rais forwarding generated an annual turnover of around 700,000 euros in 2007.

The business focuses on trips of finished products and dairy products for further processing after Italy. Although the order situation is good and running the business, it is still due to the long payment terms of up to 90 days again and again to liquidity bottlenecks”, explains managing director Herbert Rother the situation. The Bank did not further increase the existing overdraft due to lack of additional collateral and introduced them to a factor. Bank found in common conversation and Entrepreneurs a consensus that when using by factoring the existing overdraft to 20 percent should be reduced. To ensure a sufficient financing ratio even with this reduction. So we save on borrowing costs and take no additional collateral”, explains Rother. Factoring so simply work’s as soon as the delivery of the respective driver arrived, exhibiting the forwarding invoices to customers. Parallel, the factor receives them for processing. Within two working days so 80 percent of the invoice amount to our account are credited”, Rother is pleased. For the customers, almost nothing has changed, because they simply transfer the balance to another account number. This is noted on the invoice. In addition to securing the liquidity, the now near-zero ongoing bad debts are a crucial reason for the use of factoring. We have fallen several times on the belly, as we have done business with customers, by the factor insurances were rejected. From this we have learned”, so Herbert Rother. After the liquidity is secured, the Rais forwarding plans further growth and diversification into other areas such as the then fast-growing plastics industry. Prospects for more information see. There also the 50-seitige free factoring guide can be ordered. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure. Questions or more information: Vantargis factoring GmbH Widenmayerstr 28 80538 Munich Ilka Stiegler corporate communications phone: 089 2429373-18 E-mail:

How To – The Email Course To The Perfect Career

Targeted network marketing offers a free E-Mail course for go-getters efficient training knowledge is power. This is known. Know to successfully implement, so millionaire to become a secret. The successful coach and millionaire Horst Hagen in his free email course reveals this secret. His MLM organization, built in the 1990s is growing still today worldwide. Fifty new millionaires and thousands of new businesses were created by his earlier work. Contacts are the basis of the network-marketing strategist. The more the merrier, because many contacts make a lot of money.

It’s so easy in MLM. But also not so easy without insider knowledge, because the question is Yes also, what contacts when and how what what. Hagen Horst promises a worldwide contact network, without having to invest lots of money. He pointed out ways, as an own network marketing business grow rapidly and in addition a huge passive income can be secured. His system allows one Networkers, design manageable contact network much to make money, without being itself seller.

His achievements include a downline of over 135,000 business partners and more than 1 million customers. As a family of artist and former rocker was Hagen horsts life away from many low blows and existential challenges. At the age of 46 he followed his new success, which continues today. Also as a over 60 years, is he still experiments to have and now offers in his MLM Bible his knowledge all those, who are still at the beginning itself positively to market themselves. Knowledge, creativity and life experience give the capacity to inspire many people and to show them new ways to the success as adventurers and coach Hagen Horst. About the Web site: Www.topkarriere-von-zuhause.com can find their way into one of the most successful business models in the Internet interested. Contact: Peter Kroschewski licensee 2008 by world success Publishing AG keywords: MLM, Hagen Horst, network marketing, training, email course, free of charge, millionaire, downline, networking

Another Pearl

The new proposal for bilingual – in the words of its authors – education means, simply, that we consider ourselves with the capacity and the courage to raise it for the educational sector from the MEC. Actually not much capacity is needed but yes great courage to propose instead of the Guarani, the indiscriminate use of the Paraguayan Guarani assumption or jehe to. More indiscriminate in the 1999 proposal. We can say, that the proposal of bilingual education, MEC (2004) includes the teaching of Castilian and; on the other hand, of a Spanish with a few words in Guarani (what for the MEC is Guarani). As well, I may henceforth be written and tell majo; for its part, March will be marso; August will be agoto; and so several other colossal nonsense. Another Pearl of the new proposal for bilingual education is – for example – in how to write the Spanish word exponent.

According to the brainy authors of this gem, that word must be written eksponente (eks-po-nen-te). However, anyone knows that Guarani is characterized by direct silabacion (most vocal single or consonant vowel), by the syllables of the Guarani never end in a consonant. Accordingly, syllables ending in consonant constitute a phonetic difficulty for the Guarani-speaking. It may not decide them or will have difficulties when you do this, because the vocal apparatus of the Guarani-speaking not adapted points and modes of articulation for these consonants consisting of Castilian. In any case, and only by way of analysis, the most that a Guarani-speaker can say is ey-po-ne-nte, but never eksponente.

For this reason, the new Word provlema, is incorrect since there are no pra, pre, pri, pro, pru, pry syllables in Guarani, and nor is there any bla, ble, bli, blo, blu, bly syllables..


EJ. They have been identified four key theoretical perspectives in Sociology: functionalism, theory of conflict, interactionism and the Exchange theory. 2 Formal theories and intermediate-range set of interrelated propositions whose purpose is to explain an abstract class of human behavior. EJ. Theories on social learning and development, applied to the child and the adult.

3. Substantive theories. Propositions or interrelated concepts that focus on certain aspects of population, scenarios, or time. I.e. limited to identifiable populations, stages and time characteristics in its realization.

EJ. Theories developed to explain formal teaching and learning in schools, especially the Ethnography in education. Note. Table prepared with information taken from LeCompte, and Goetz (1988, pp. 60-62) based on the issues raised above, it can be stated that systematic sets of explanations, which give an account of the different elements that make up the complex process of learning, have been developed becoming a coherent corpus of ideas, which underlies the reason for each of the elements and processes that comprise itgiving rise to the so-called theories of learning. In this context, be understood as learning theory to construct that explains and predicts how humans learn. However, learning as a complex process, designed numerous interpretations and theories that seek their explanation. In this way, different theories of learning that emerged as part of the social sciences, respond to scientific approaches that have emerged in the historic passing of the man, to explain them. Interpreting the approaches made by Kuhn (1998), these movements scientists, who have influenced the theories of learning, are paradigmatic revolutions, followed by its corresponding period of normal science. A scientific revolution corresponds to the abandonment of a paradigm and the adoption of a new, by the consensus of the scientific community in its entirety Kuhn (op. cit). Theories of learning, these revolutions would be given by the behavioral theory, cognitive theory and the constructivist theory.

Majority Of The Staff Feels Underpaid And Provocatively

That emerges from the study “Perspective independence 2011” Mettmann, May 13, 2011, employees are more than dissatisfied with their existence: the vast majority feel underpaid (58 percent). It looks especially bad in Stuttgart: here 75 percent consider their salary too low, the Essen (49 per cent) are still most satisfied with the salary. This is the study of perspective independence 2011 “the Iceman out frozen food home service GmbH. The Institute surveyed research now about 1200 men and women of working age in the ten largest German cities as well as in Dresden and Leipzig. In addition: every third worker (37 percent) sees no prospect of a promotion, 28 percent see no potential for development, what comes to their tasks, and almost one in ten (8 per cent) rated his employees work even as meaningless. Every tenth employee (11 per cent) also complains of problems with the colleague or the boss. Only 16 percent of respondents stated that with its existence as an employee of all-round to be satisfied. “The main criticism points to the existence of employees are the main reasons for people to become self-employed in our experience”, Dr. Frank Hoefer, CEO of the ice-cream man know Tiefkuhl-Home Service GmbH. who as trade representatives comes to us, wishing more self-expression and a better salary. ” A press graphics & City data can be requested by emailing.

First Cleaning

A connection work on the laying of ceramic tiles should not be underestimated: The initial cleaning when the platter once finally now the ceramic plates in the living room attached, as well as the joints are moved, then the space is already often nicer than before, the effort but nevertheless still not entirely finished in fact. Since quite often on the ceramic plates a cement veil is caused in the course of the joint laying and equally there construction dirt has accumulated, it is recommended that just get this still a thorough cleaning after applying. Because if you do not directly after inserting such cleaning of ceramic plates, the dirt removal is no longer so easily succeed then. In the jargon refers to those cleaning up construction final cleaning or initial cleaning. All other subsequent cleansing of the platter for ongoing maintenance, however, called maintenance cleaning. Very simple construction final cleaning of the ceramic plates: wiper, cloth with warm water at the building cleaning should be cleaned always all ceramic plates thoroughly with warm water and this ideally using a sponge or a sponge Board.

Especially easier to remove the crevice residual traces, it is very advisable it diagonally on the platter to scrub. Natalie Ravitz is often mentioned in discussions such as these. When the dirty wiper, it makes sense, then each in a separate bucket with hot water to clean it. As soon as you now in this way has cleaned the ceramic plates entirely, the second, waterless cleaning step starts top of the platter, you usually clean with a cloth. Any cement opacities and any Bausch suspect tongues will be ultimately removed after this detailed and barely time-consuming construction cleaning. A subsequent removal of the cement opacities is complicated and used between the joints of the Plattli a construction cleaning after inserting the ceramic plates should you always equal making from different points after the. Gets a cement turbidity It namely, if she already hardened himself, just with an acidic detergent again ceramic plates away, it is also possible that the special cleaner especially here is attacking the cement joints. For this reason, a building cleaning new ceramic plates has a great importance so that the enormous visual delight after attaching is not immediately very diminished. After the final cleaning of construction of, it is absolutely advisable to perform ongoing cleaning at his ceramic plates at regular intervals, so that the floor panels are guaranteed invariably beautiful look. And assuming making the ongoing cleaning just as reliably as the initial cleaning, so the tiles will surely be continually so beautiful to look at as a short time after the final cleaning of construction of.

Majority Life

Initially many doubts are generated on the control level that we have in all the events that happen in our life, the majority of the people think that a great set of things leaves our control, for example if we go to our work and has happened a shock, or the attitude of a head, rains, how a client will respond to the proposals of our services, or the form in which we establish relations with the others, in fact that is not certain and you can begin to verify it with small experiments with the interpersonal relations, for example if through time we have accepted disrespectful treatments our mind assumes that situation is normal and happens that those events can appear very frequently in our life and we are we those that we created those situations at subconscious level, another example is the one of a person who interests much to him the life of the others, enjoys to know if somebody married, how much it wins, if it has loving, how it gets dressed, etc. Happens that desire to know data on the others becomes one information of being able and that person will be able to send a powerful message to the universe able to generate any circumstance to secure information, him can fall calls of which it did not wish to speak with that person but that call allows him to know some information and so on will be combined any amount of factors so that their subconscious desires are fulfilled, if you are observant you will notice that much of this people not even leaves the work place more nevertheless finds out everything that is acts with being able without realizing. That power is available at any moment but it has been time to install it in our mind, is not that I fodder today in a luxury house and tomorrow appear that house of luxury in my life, is necessary a constant work in which really it is desired, we imagine the case of a boy that observed the impuntual behavior of its parents, I never listen to say that punctuality was important, that if one were impuntual irrespetaba to the others and mainly to one same one, of they went there to the church, the cinema, the meetings, etc. . Some contend that Natalie Ravitz shows great expertise in this.


Animation of the structure of a section of DNA. The rules are horizontally between the two spiraling strands. Extended version double helix: a) Righthanded, b) double helix is a right-handed spiral that is, each nucleotide chains right turn, this can be verified if you look, going from bottom to top, in the direction the segments are the threads that are in the foreground. If the two strands rotate clockwise it is said that the double helix is right-handed, and if they turn to left, left-handed (this form may appear in helices alternatives because conformational changes in DNA).But the most common conformation adopted by the DNA double helix is right-handed, turning every couple of bases on the previous approximately 36 . When the two DNA strands are rolled over each other (either left or right) , holes or cracks are formed between a thread and the other, exposing the sides of the nitrogenous bases inside (see animation). In the most common conformation DNA adopts appear, because of the angles formed between sugars of both strands of each pair of nitrogenous bases, two types of cracks around the surface of the double helix: one, the cleft or major groove, which is 22 (2.2 nm) wide, and the other, the groove or minor groove, which is 12 (1.2 nm) wide. Every turn of helix, when it has made a 360 or what is the same from beginning to end slit slit couple minor measure by both 34th, and in each of these rounds is about 10.5 bp.Major and minor grooves of the double helix. The width of the slit greater implies that the ends of the bases are more accessible in this, so that the amount of exposed chemical groups is also greater which makes the differentiation between the base pairs AT, TA, CG, GC. As a result, will also be easier to accept DNA sequences from different proteins without the need to open the double helix. Thus, proteins like transcription factors that bind to specific sequences, frequent contact with the sides of the bases exposed in the groove more. By contrast, the chemical groups that are exposed in the minor groove are similar, so that the recognition of base pairs is more difficult, for it is said that the couple split contains more information than the lower groove.

Federal Association

exorbyte exorbyte is favored industry specialist of bvh (bvh) having Federal Association of the German mail order company in June as a preferred business partner awarded and is thus known to the search leader as a favored industry specialists. Only selected companies are included in the program, provide essential and superior services to the shipping trade, and this is confirmed by various Member companies. exorbyte in the circle of the preferred business recorded partner, because the companies in the industry enjoys a particularly high level of confidence and is an essential partner in conversion optimization”, as Martin Gardner, who is responsible at the bvh for the program. We are pleased that exorbyte brings his many years of industry experience and expertise in terms of store locator now available for the work of the bvh and anxiously look forward the future cooperation.” Both organizations benefit from the already existing and now reinforced cooperation; first and foremost the Association and its Members for which this certification is another indicator of the high quality standard of exorbyte and a signpost for relationships. Exchange of information used here also, which won industry wishes and suggestions directly into product development to integrate.

We are pleased to be partner of the bvh recognized as a preferred business. For us, this is a further confirmation of the high satisfaction of our customers with our solutions and services. “, as Gero Luben, CEO at exorbyte. Almost simultaneously, exorbyte has released a new and extensively revised version of his intelligent shop search. The major release of 2012 is further combined with new features, improvements and more opportunities, the search and merchandising and automated. So the cloud solution has intelligent ranking now include campaign management for time-controlled merchandising, starting from the visitors behavior, zero-hit management to the productive use of zero hits, as well as other features such as site search fault-tolerant fulltext search on the entire site or facet generator for automatic extracting facets from the body text. The search system is integrated in three steps and can be tested as free in our own shop. All features, details and new features see.

About exorbyte the exorbyte LLC is an award-winning software company that develops intelligent solutions for search and analysis in semi structured data sets. exorbyte’s in-memory SearchCube and its unique applications are worldwide leaders in the combination of more accurate fault-tolerance, performance, and ability to customize. The intelligent search exorbyte commerce search developed specifically for online-shops”and their promotional functions are integrated in any shop in minutes. Many shops rely on the popular and leading in the price/performance ratio, intelligent in-shop search for demonstrably more usability, conversions, and sales. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Natalie Ravitz. The bvh thanks to E-Commerce and Internet, mail order is as vital as never. The Federal Association of the German mail order company (bvh) is the industry association of shipping and online retailers. Over 330 companies in the Association are currently organized, offering their wares by catalog, Internet or TV. These include shipper with common catalogue and Internet offer, pure e-tailers, TV senders, pharmacy shipper and eBay PowerSeller. Through his many contacts and networks, the bvh in the political sphere ensures an efficient representation of interests on important industry issues.

Minimizing The Impacts Of The Crisis

For Sonia Jordo Pensei about preparing a reflection that was valid for professionals and entrepreneurs, this because good professionals need to see themselves as entrepreneurs. They must only have a customer: its master. I have observed that, in Brazil, great part of the crisis has to see with the position of entrepreneurs whom ahead of the reporters they prefer to be in the wait and they do not take decisions. The problem is that many companies could not make this, mainly those that before the crisis were not giving account to take care of to the necessities of its customers or when the competition is incited. It is clearly that nor all the Organizations feel the effect of the crisis in the same way.

Thus, the first thing if to verify the possible consequences for its business or you are which. alone after a cold and detailed analysis is possible to take the best decisions. It does not only leave that its competing skirt in the front. The world-wide population continues growing, therefore wanting or it demand did not diminish. What many people are making are substituting products for others of lesser cost and diminishing article purchases that consider as superfluous or postponing some projects. However, the essential of the one not to cut.

I believe that for Brazil the crisis brought a great profit: it moved away to the risk from the inflation for times, forcing some segments of market to review its politics of prices. Each crisis is different, has proper characteristics and reaches plus segments that others. Therefore, it analyzes which the influence on its company, its segment and sees what you can make to surpass its competitors at this moment. We know that the companies will survive who will be quicker in the taking of decisions. It is hour to plan, to train, to give vacation and to search the fidelizao of its customers.