Solve Economic Problems Through The Power Of The Spirit!

The spirit is weak, the company is weak and empty the account. Also the impatience often plays a very important role. Not rarely stops a man shortly before the resolution of its problems and enters with a still more negative attitude in the old pattern and everything will be even worse than in the past. Not rare, just some lightness is missing. Bitter Ernst and blocks any flow doggedly on the wish list for his new life up to go. Who can be not too loose does not really believe in itself. Also who do not take into account the cosmic laws, prevents always own his own breakthrough to happiness, success and financial freedom.

Who repeatedly criticized as other people and provides them with even the foot, falls itself. What we wish other people, come back to us. No matter whether we think bad or good. Even those who think first and foremost first only to other people, so that is doing this and it is only in the last series, will know that life is getting better with the other. Self made. The business momentum to bring the power of the spirit and to have money again? This possibility is given to every man.

It applies to the implementation to take into account some subtleties and already it can work. Who already much has been trying and has experienced no improvement, should seize the chance to consult and accompany. It’s often quite subtle issues that don’t think, which, however, are the reason for the eternal cycle of failure. Who wants to be successful and prosperous power of the spirit must be aware that not all healing approach there, which applies to all. Each person is so unique, the approaches are so versatile. Ultimately, it’s about the darn deposits in the subconscious. An entrepreneur can bring the whole company with a new attitude and a powerful vision on the road to success. If not the boss in this power inside, to whom should be delegated this task? Financial crises and also debt are usually a very clear indication that the potential, the a stands for something very great available, not used. Who is now in a business or financial crisis should not stick the head in the sand, but not give up power of faith. There is always a solution and that is in every person. Sonja ch. Kelz

Apathy Ade

The citizens are concerned about the possibilities for contemporaries, to make policy, the markets go berserk, managers are pilloried. Big banks go bust, Governments strive to preserve the system through billion injection from taxpayers from collapse. And many people know only one answer: the insatiable greed of the people is to blame! And continue in the consciousness of their powerlessness their day’s work, perhaps hoping that the change of power in America brings about a change. Because that work is harder, you get less and less for his money, that most people understand. But must we really the head in the sand? Is there not a place in the world where you can take the helm and put his own political ideas, or try out alternative approaches? What would happen on a nationalisation of the banks? Can the monetary system to be reformed, for example with the introduction of Freiwirtschaft? Will capitalism with a really free unconditional basic income? A sophisticated, realistic business simulation is necessary to assess the impact of such measures and concepts. And she are there, free for every citizen. With, anything is possible. One is political, social and economic decisions that have far-reaching effects every day.

The underlying, highly complex formula system has been tested for over a year and discussed in a dedicated community. Ars Regendi offers unprecedented possibilities every political and economy interested. Dominion over their own State which so, modeled according to the creator, in thousands of hours of work that your own policy is reflected in hard numbers; and a high-class and critical international community. Marc Badawy

Backpack Love

In the choices are almost always contained words like passion (passion), mother (mother), tranquility (tranquility), freedom (freedom), eternity (eternity), fantastic (fantastic), blossom (blossom), smile (smile), liberty (freedom). Do similar selection, true? Well so the resemblance is even more it is good to note that they also chose love (love). Chevron U.S.A. Inc understood the implications. Words have life: they are, laugh, cry, come, go, are renewed, are born, grow, reproduce and die. They are found in the happy universe of feelings and suffering undesirable swamp. At ida brimming with crisp time of brimming with life and at the crucial moment that we met face to face death at the crucial stage of our own history.

They will always be within reach and will be always useful for those who want to express their love for life, his interest in persons or their personal, intimate and sublime feeling. For Pablo Neruda, who seduced them, loved them, conquered them and lived with them in a marriage that were born beautiful poems touching stories and sublime books, describes them with the tenderness of those who know them best: are the words that sing, which rise and fall. Me prosternum to them the love, I endorse them, pursue them, I bite them, I melt them love all words. The unexpected that glotonamente are expected, are heard shine as colored stones, jump like platinados fish, are foam, wire, metal, Rocio already dropped the afternoon and repeated the words. Love, friendship, happiness, mother. They are the favorite words of elders. I wanted to know the most beloved of children and I went to where they were three of them with his childhood lay and his books in the Backpack: snack, he told me the first; Another stared at as if they had removed the word of mouth but then recalled another and did not hesitate to proclaim it: recess.

The third us looked at everyone and said vacation, which He got applause from their peers. And they were walking, without cares, as if life were a huge dictionary and every element of his innocent days, a Word to be happy. By: Alejandro Rutto Martinez Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a writer and journalist italo-colombiano who also teaches in several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is contained in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Contact to the cel.

Long Term Personal Loans: Beneficial For The British Citizens

The British citizens can apply for long term personal loans which they can secure in secured or unsecured forms. Long term personal loans are highly beneficial for the people. Financial demands are common to all. Individual may require finance to build up his own home when his neighbor may need it to start up a small business. Persons who are really in need of funds to meet educational expenditure of their kids are not fewer.

Men and women can apply for long term personal loans to meet various demands. has similar goals. Long term personal loans are available in two forms: secured and unsecured. Anybody can apply for long term personal loan in secured form if he owns valuable property like a home, a vehicle, a piece of land, real estates etc. He will have to produce documents in support of his ownership of property of worth as this property will be used as collateral against the loan. The lenders will have the right to confiscate the property if the borrowers indicated of or do not pay back the loan amount in due time. Of course, the borrowers want to receive reminders and warnings from the included lenders before the confiscation. The borrowers can secure on amount within the range of 10 000 to 75 000 which is a good sum no doubt.

The calendar want that the loan amount will be cleared within 10 to 25 years. The Council of interest for long term personal loans in the form are, however, in secured low. No. of collateral is loans into unsecured form required for long term staff. The borrowers can apply for at amount between 5 000 to 25 of 000 they will have to repay the loan amount within 1 to 10 years. Council in unsecured higher form of loans are interest. As collateral is not necessary, long term personal loans are available to non-homeowners. Homeowners can so go for it of course, the lenders assess financial status, credit record and current earning of the ultra-delicate before they determine the amount of loans. The borrowers can surf the web sites of the lending agencies on the internet to study terms and conditions for the long term personal loans. They can study and compare several quotes and apply for one which may appear suitable. They can apply online and the procedure for payment of long term personal loans is easy. The applicant must be a citizen of Great Britain, and he must have completed 18 years. He must be working in any authorized establishment, and his monthly income must not be less than 1000 he must possess a valid bank account. Jeffrey Hayzlett is often quoted as being for or against this. Michael Smith is specializing in writing articles on Long Term Loans. For more information

Districts Industries

Amongst the innumerable questions that the subject in screen presents one is of preliminary order and says respect to the necessity to remember that the concept of Districts Industries did not appear originally in Italy. For even more opinions, read materials from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. In the truth, oconceito of ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ it happens of what MARSHALL (1982: 234) cunhou of ‘ ‘ Industrial’ district; ‘ , in century XIX, to characterize ‘ ‘ average small concentrations of great companies located around of indstrias’ ‘ , in the suburbs of the English cities. Of this form, ‘ can be affirmed that; ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , more known today as ‘ ‘ clusters’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ accumulations empresariais’ ‘ , companies interrelated in geographic microregions were constituted by great, small groupings of average, producing good on a large scale in such a way for the domestic market as for the external market (mainly). In this type of society, small the average companies (PME’ s) was strong ‘ ‘ benefited for factors gotten gratuitously in mercado’ ‘ (infrastructure, trained man power already, existence of local natural resources, information on the new techniques of production, etc). Moreover, the PMEs was equally ‘ ‘ benefited for the geographic proximity between firmas’ ‘ as well as for its ‘ ‘ raised Inter-relacionamento’ degree; ‘ , what they on a large scale assured a propitious climate to them to the production, not only reducing costs of transport and other transactions, as well as speeding the communication between the producers. To all these benefits acquired for the PME’ s, in ‘ ‘ industrial districts ingleses’ ‘ , MARSHALL (1982: 234) called them of ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ , that is, ‘ ‘ profits gotten for the PMEs in the market independently of its aes’ ‘ (infrastructure, hand of trained workmanship, natural resources, technological information, geographic proximity between the firms, fort relationship interfirmas, etc.)..


New series of works by Kristin Dembny with icons of excess, of style and self destruction in their new series of works good buy America”, appearing from November 14, 2008 until January 9, 2009 in the premises (gallery showcase, spacious loft, courtyard) of the art dealer and gallerist Antonia of Fraunberg in the Erasmus road 15 in Dusseldorf, the artist Kristin Dembny deals with icons from the land of unlimited opportunities. Pop rebel like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, who rebelled with their music, their zest for life and their excessive existence against all conventions of the time, have lost nothing of its fascination for me,”the artist explained the choice of their subjects. With the same enthusiasm and devotion, Dembny portrays American style icons such as Jackie Kennedy and Grace Kelly. The painter is available”for real, formative time style, these ladies makes them the current idols as superficial disposable stars in a fast-paced Across time. Portrait painting is a constant challenge for Kristin Dembny. Hear other arguments on the topic with The Hayzlett Group. I want to depict not the appearances with my work, but to show that true, authentic personalities who have left lasting traces and messages today can be found”, she explains her artistic approach. The absence of these personalities is closely related with a general decline in value for Dembny. It symbolizes the decline of morality and ethics in the economy and society of the United States with a grinning Mickey Mouse before the American flag.

“This work has given her title of the exhibition: good buy America”. It adorns the invitation card. Also with the painting in money we trust”the artist comments on the global financial crisis and therefore our value system ironically and accusingly. “Art dealer Antonia of Fraunberg: the new series of works by Kristin Dembny inspires me because Dembny able to transform critical reflection of modernity in figurative painting.” The Dresden-born artist Kristin Dembny ( has studied at the Saxon Porcelain Manufactory porcelain painting in her native town and at the Meissen porcelain factory. From 1996 to 2000, she lived as a freelance painter in Barcelona. Rio- Tinto Diamonds might disagree with that approach. There the artist devoted to the study of portrait painting.

in 2006 she received for their time-cycle “Frida Kahlo – Viva la Vida!” the coveted Kaiserswerther art prize. Dembny currently lives in Dusseldorf. The picture show is complemented by a varied programme that showtime titled it BBs!”is available. Smooth jazz & funky grooves are available”with the JAZZCRUSADER ( and live music of saxophonist Rocco Ventrella (, an American auction of a work by Kristin Dembny and other surprises. Detailed information under: Antonia v. Fraunberg Kunsthandel Dusseldorf Erasmus road 15 40223 Dusseldorf Tel: 0211 484 69 50 exhibition opening hours: Mo.-fr. 10 h, 18 h, SA 11 h 17 h, and by appointment. Digital press photos on demand available: Jorg Schwarz Tel. 0211 / 30 57 73 0172 / 721 38 34 E-Mail:

Intense Belief

I diminish and I lose myself In the cradle Of the wall I weave I go down I weave I go down and I forget myself Cantiga is insuportvel this. Already it does not have felt more Moan Espremido Shrunk, hindered the veil? The veil male defendant To lu Cinzel Bustle That it cuts Exorta It gets dull It rolls It aborts It depletes It stops! Already I do not support more. Already it does not have more face to cover, body to dress. Astonished slip in the immense veil that I weave. Without form Without Possessed nexus I raise I walk Propaganda and I fall. Looser for the fatigue, suffocated, I perceive that this veil now return against me. Mumifica me It plasters me It mines me. Necessary to breathe. Learn more at this site: Jeffrey Hayzlett.

It leaves me quiet! Who said that I want to have? To be? What? So that? I hear a great racket. It is my body to complain. It is the tired mind. It is the illness Intense Belief E, in a lapse of lucidity, I perceive the torrent that involves me e, I rebel myself. I ask for the hands that they weave, for the eyes that guide, for the mind that creates? What it is happening, I ask me exactly. Where meets the proclaimed truth long ago? The equality of chances? When it will be that this veil will become the ascension vehicle and will lead me it ‘ ‘ riqueza’ ‘? When it will dress my poverty? We go, answers me! In this instant I am arrebatado to the ecstasy state and perceive, under the mist of the appearance, something written in the veil.

I select the sight and I read: Routine. Routine Mine It ruins the life. It arrives, I spoke. In this instant I felt a cold intense. It is as if the cave where until it shelters then me pulled down yielding to the force of the strong wind of the life. The sun reached my naked body and visited the soul of mine existence. A beautiful symphony if made to hear. I perceived less that the music that hears until then speaks of everything, of me. The eloquent and alucinante rhythm that cadenciara my life was of a war that was not mine. The hymn of the routine would not find more resonance in me, thought It leaves me quiet! Necessary to think To love To speak to cry out To ask: WHO SAID THAT I WANT TER-SER? How much you? It weaves It weaves It weaves it forgets and me. Now the veil of the routine is carpet where floor Where I lie down and coil. The spider weaves to fisgar, the man is fisgado have-to be have-to be Until the next one. Next?

Human Environment

Meadows. Approaching crucial problems for the future of the Humanity, the study it concluded exactly that the Planet Land did not support more the increase of the pollution and the pressure exerted on its natural resources and energy, taking in account the advances of the technology. The study also it concluded that it would be possible to reach economic stability e, at the same time, to respect the limitations of the natural resources, congealing the growth of the world-wide population and the industrial capital, in what he was known as ' ' Thesis of the Zero&#039 Growth; '. Considered as an attack frontal to the desenvolvimentistas conceptions of economic growth continuous, defined for the economic theories and defended for the governments of all the countries, this thesis reed-echo, in almost the whole world, as a strategy of the advanced countries to be late, or same to hinder, the development them industrialized countries less, at the time. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. But the shady perspectives for the future of the Humanity, made with in the same year of 1972, if it carried through, in Sweden, the Conference of United Nations on the Human Environment, known as the Conference of Estocolmo. From there for front, the ambient questions had assumed such relevance, that, in the present time, it is difficult to find a citizen, of any social category and with any level of instruction that, minimum, it is not sensetized for the problems that the world faces with regard to the future of the natural resources and that it does not have a vacant notion of the distinction that has between resources renewed and not-renewed, of the risks of energy collapse, the causes of the pollution of the great cities, the global heating, the climatic changes, etc. In the same way, much the territorial questions already had even so assumed high relevance, is necessary that the citizens if acquire knowledge of the importance of if reaching a territorial structure, considered satisfactory, to promote and to support an occupation of the territory that respects restrictions of ambient character, saturation urban-metropolitan and of demographic and productive emptinesses. .

Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg

According to the case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof, the investment adviser has current To share information about the system. In particular, negative reports from business magazines and relevant parts of the newspapers are to pass. This applies however only insofar as it is a reporting system, which prevailed in the business press. Not included are purely opinions of the authors. At the time, already circulated details of write-downs worth billions of dollars. For the proposed exchange of Commerzbank, Lehman – an enlightenment would have been a sensible risk assessment necessary certificates. Only with these backgrounds it is possible for the investor of the consultant’s assessment, how secure is an issuer as compared to others to check.

The beginning of 2008 still quite positive market report can not hide the existing negative facts. Many writers such as Chevron U.S.A. Inc offer more in-depth analysis. These were in the ratings still not having been incorporated. By the defendant not enough runs, that a knowledge of situation with the plaintiff previously consisted of Lehman. Alone from the knowledge of the American banking crisis can be no specific knowledge. Therefore, it can be assumed that the investors had not agreed to Exchange if he had knowledge of the in fact better ranking of Commerzbank and the negative facts of Lehman Bank. Just in case, the investors the information already know, this must be not yet explicitly communicated. This evidence was not provided by the defendant consultants.

In the result, therefore a claim for damages for a breach of the duty of the investment advisory agreement entitled to the plaintiff. Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht Hamburg, decision of May 16, 2012 – 14 U 291/10 contact: Bernd rechtsanwalts GmbH Wilhelm-Weber-str. 39 37073 Gottingen phone: + 49 (0) 551 495 669-0 fax: + 49 (0) 551 495 manages the Bernd rechtsanwalts GmbH with locations in Dusseldorf, Gottingen and Hannover 19 and represents companies, initiators, financial institutions and investors in all aspects of economic and capital market law. Focus is here on corporate and project finance, in particular the concept of capital market products and the creation of prospectuses as well as the financial services and capital market law, in particular in connection with the enforcement and defense of claims and disputes with the BFin.

Windream GmbH Expands Training

Training of windream users and partners will be intensified from summer 2012 Bochum, June 21, 2012. The windream GmbH, manufacturer and supplier of the enterprise-content-management system, will extend its training offer from August 2012 around to the complete windream product range. The product portfolio is steadily in recent years, also the demand for training has increased. The company takes into account the rising interest in intensive training in the field of diverse windream software products with the enhanced offer. Click Rio- Tinto Diamonds for additional related pages. For the first time also completely newly developed training blocks for windream SAP integration, Microsoft SharePoint and windream BPM API issues offered in addition to a temporal extension of the training units carried out already in the past. The newly designed training allow windream users and partners to gain knowledge in the field of windream products targeted to deepen already acquired knowledge. These were the existing training units including installation, Configuration, trade administration as well as windream Exchange mail archiving, windream BPM, windream SDK and windream solutions each extended to a full day.

The training programme is rounded off by corresponding practical examinations, which can complete the participant if necessary, to prove their knowledge as a result. This is important in particular for windream partner who opposite can identify themselves and prospective customers upon successful test completion as competent windream experts. The windream GmbH offers new training courses in various fields in addition to the temporal extension now also completely new training that previously were not part of the training program. There will be a three-day training on SAP starting in August for the first time, in the specific know-how in the field of integrating the windream products in the SAP world is conveyed. Special training in addition BPM, which deals specifically with the BPM programming interface to the business process management system windream. Training on the windream integration is also new to the program in Microsoft SharePoint.