Social Ecology

We will present a synthesis of some concepts and thoughts that sedestacam inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit naabordagem of the deep ecology of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology deLeonardo BOFF (this for working under great influence of sincretismoreligioso will be boarded of superficial form), and in the Thought Complexode Edgar MORIN. 1 Conceptual Introduction Understands for thought ' ' sistmico' ' one forms deabordagem of the reality appeared in century XX in contraposition to pensamento' ' reducionista-mecanicista' ' happened of the philosophers of the revoluocientfica of century XVII, molded in the methods of some classics as RenDESCARTES, Francis BACON and Isaac NEWTON. Important to point out that it not negaa scientific rationality, but, only part of the conception of that it nooferece enough parameters for the development of the man, having, therefore to act of joint form with the subjectivity of the arts and of diversastradies spirituals. For definition, by the way, the thought includes ainterdisciplinaridade. The complex thought or ' ' complexidade' ' she is umaescola philosophical that enxerga the world as being indissocivel one all, considering a boarding to multidiscipline for the construction of the knowledge. Elanega to the causalidade and approaches the phenomena as organic totality.

They have comoexpoente defender in the present time Edgar MORIN and amongst the precursors, GregoryBATESON 1. We will present a synthesis of some concepts and pensamentosque if they detach inside of the sistmico-complex perspective to give a maiorconsistncia in the central subject of our article. We go in them to limit in the boarding deep daecologia of Fritjof CAPRA, in the Social Ecology of Leonardo BOFF (estepor to work under great influence of religious sincretismo it will be boarded deformed superficial), and in the Complex Thought of Edgar MORIN. 2A Deep Ecology and the Ecofeminismo Under the Optics deFritjof Capra What currently we are living deeply is a change deparadigmas not only in the scope of science as well as in the field social.

Bingo Fun

The other day the afternoon had great bingo in the stadium of the city. They were many cars, refrigerators, fans pra who earned. Manuel purchase a cellophane and has broken game pro. The stadium if finds full total. It never turns as much people thus. Each one wanting to gain a prize, Manuel also wanted to gain the car. How wonder! The cantador starts to sing the rocks, all with nicknames. Manuel not wise person nothing on nickname of the rocks, but the accountant said the number in the end of the sung one.

After the third game, Manuel already understood the rocks: at any cost – he was 69, is a good one – 51, justice of Gois – 38, it is – 24, the ascending brother of it – 25, the descendant of it – 23, monkey – 17, started the game – 1, finished game 75. Enjoyed that one joguinho. The people does not have more what to invent. They had invented until a game called game of the animal. Of the monkey, dog, donkey.

Funny it is that they had taken off many animals. Never of perereca – Manuel thinks. RioCan contributes greatly to this topic. Also it does not have earthworm, nor flea. Total incomplete game – Manuel thinks. It does not have what to invent more to gain money. Manuel also needs to invent a way to earn more easy. Manuel plays with tenacity. The cellophane of it until it is good. It is only for a rock to earn. Who knows it earns exactly. When it finishes each departure, baguna is excessively. From above group of the stadium game cans of beers in the head of who is in low. Of the part of low they make the same of skill. The confusion is general. Manuel dying of headquarters when they play one liter of water in the head of it. People more without heart. Because they do not play the mother? The cantador praises the women. They say that bingo goes to have a good income, favours the women. Who is that it said that woman does not like game? They like are of bingo same – a player answers. Each one most scoffing one than another one. Bingo finishes and Manuel does not gain nothing. worse is to leave the Stadium. He is one pushes pushes ruined. All want to leave at the same time. Much people are pisoteada. The running is excessively. Never more bingo will come back to one of this. bus? Who is that it said to have more bus? They are two hours of the morning. Manuel orders the foot in the road. At the four Manuel hours it arrives in fatigue house, dead. It falls in the bed and it sleeps the remaining portion of the day. It forgets to go to work for the fatty one. The night goes to the bar of the Nestor. Batidinhas starts to take ones. After being with the full face and already almost going even so, the Z arrives Dentist. Colloquy with Manuel that counts the famous situation where if finds. Z Dentist is penalizado with it and promises to arrange a job to it.

German Association

Improved communication through NLP seminars of the company of Hunting resources in the Science Park in Trier from April 2011. The company of Hunting resources presents new NLP seminars in the Science Park of Trier from April 2011. Markus Hunting (trainer, coach, Lehrtrainer(DVNLP)) will skillfully and easily understandable in the exciting world of pulses.) In modern seminar rooms, in the Science Park of Trier, the essence of the pulses is taught in small groups. Evolve, better relations, successfully communicate obstructive practices, lay off. This includes the extensive applications of neuro linguistic programming (NLP). NLP is a learning tool, no direction of therapy.

It’s about how the brain works; How about learning, emotions, inner ideas and language, and what effects they have each other. In the NLP seminars, hands-on learning methods at the Centre, through which the participants will learn, better to exploit their own resources and represent stands. One causes the experience and the application of NLP formats sustainable improvement of communication me and others, accelerated learning and supports personal and deliberate changes. To learn what and how we perceive our environment, how we process this information on our very own manner and act on this basis, following is the subject of NLP. NLP was developed at the beginning of the 70s and continue innovating. Today NLP is no longer economic, education, in the fields of integral psychology.

NLP is taught in various stages, beginning with the practitioner and ranging to the learning coach about the master of NLP. During 130 hours of training, learn all the basics of the pulses the participants from April 2011 and afterwards prove this with officially recognised testing according to the guidelines of the German Association of NLP (DVNLP) to the practitioner or the master of NLP. The company of Hunting resources information on the company is since 1999 in the coaching, consulting, and training. Markus Hunting (coach, trainer, teaching coach (dvnlp) certs.) to the mediation of conflicts) lecturer applies in this area as experienced individual, small and medium-sized enterprises, institutions and individuals. Headquartered in modern science park in Trier, the company of Hunting resources plays a central and important role in all aspects of coaching, training, and especially in the field of NLP both nationally and regionally. Apart from the own individual Hunting-resources offers project-related know-how through the company’s network and team of experts.


In one of the first classes that we are witnessing in the Centre professional of haute cuisine in Caracas, Venezuela, when we began to study cuisine, chef of the Marianne Pineda theoretical class, made a dynamic that consisted of testing different spices and seasonings for cooking. The goal was to learn to differentiate flavors, aromas, learn to spice up and know the compatibilities. We learned that most known herb mixture is the ship of garni (thyme, bay leaf, parsley and celery), all wrapped in a leaf of Leek (porro garlic), used for flavouring different dishes; the mirepoix is a mixture of vegetable compound cut onion, celery, carrot, used to give taste and aroma to the funds; that depices sachet, is a bouquet of herbs and spices formed by thyme, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, crushed garlic and cloves, which is used to add flavor to the funds and Provence herbs, is a mixture of thyme, parsley, Rosemary, marjoram, oregano, Basil and laurel, which the French popularized to perfume their dishes. The memory I have fresh that out of class, everyone complained by their troubled stomachs of both test condiments. Now we understand perfectly the importance of that class to differentiate and identify the flavours of the cuisine. The previous week wrote of the importance of the sauce in the flavors of Latin cuisine and how could enrich by adding herbs and spices.

Following in this pattern, this week write of condiments and the flavours of the world are characterized as its uses. For example the pesto is purely Italian, ginger suggest East and Mint to the Middle East. Another important aspect is to know the compatibilities of the herbs and spices. Thus we have that Basil is compatible with white fish, chicken, seafood, salads and eggs; dill salmon, vegetables, cheese and potatoes; tarragon chicken with some sauces as the Bernese; fennel with fish, pork and shellfish soups; the chives with fish, eggs, soups, salads and potatoes; the laurel with soups, broths, stews and sauces; Marjoram and oregano with the pork, grilled meats, scented oils and tomato sauce; parsley with soups, fish, meat and poultry; Rosemary with chicken, pork, lamb and potatoes; the Sage with duck, Turkey, pork, ricotta, risotto and pasta; the thyme with poultry, meat and potatoes; the cumin with grains or beans, pork, lamb, chicken, and soups; the nutmeg with white sauces, potatoes, pasta stuffed with meat and rice with milk; Pepper with almost all savory dishes; paprika or paprika with meats and poultry; nail species with ham, pork, cakes and soups; anise crashed with pork, duck, chicken, fish and seafood; the cinnamon with desserts, rice dishes and breads; cilantro for soups, stews, meat, chicken, fish, pasta and salads; Ginger with chicken, pork, soups and sauces; the mustard sauces, dressings, pork, chicken and rabbit; Pepper Cayenne and chili powder with sauces, seafood, and poultry; turmeric is used to give color yellow rice dishes, dishes of vegetables and chutneys; and the curry chicken, pork, vegetables, seafood and soups.


When it comes to rental of buses, whether for a wedding, farewell, some organized trip, always is responsible for a person seek companies that are dedicated to the issue of the carriage of passengers (buses, coaches, minibuses, limuninas). This is obviously to the person in charge is much less tedious, especially if you live in a big city. You can dip into yellow pages or try to find coaches companies on the internet. Rio- Tinto Group: the source for more info. It is clear a solution is, but you’ll have to ask budget to each of them and expect answers. But this has changed with the arrival of to rent a bus for wedding or dismissed from your friend, reserve and rent coaches for a school trip, go throughout your town football penalty to the Party of the year or simply hire a car with driver for a transfer from the airport to the hotel. All this is much easier with Bookingbus because on a single platform you will find practically all the services of passenger transport and in all cities of Spain. Choose your service between Transfers of only one-way, transfer aeropuerto-puerto, visits to cities, weddings, stag nights, meals or dinners, school trips, sports clubs, fairs and congresses, events, occasional services and travel and circuits. A.

from there only you will be choosing transportation that Wikipedia and using a form fill basic data, such as date of departure and arrival, where you go and where we go. Automatically with a click and a few seconds only you will have at your disposal a list of companies of buses that offer that service, and most importantly you’ll see the price that costs you the service, without having to ask for budget and expected reply. You can also reserve at the same time, without delays of any kind. Reserve in advance: saves time and money. You will not find a more rapid and effective service for the hiring of passenger transport. Choose the offer that suits you from the list offered by the system. Not you fies of last-minute reservations, make your reservation in advance and you We guarantee service of our suppliers so that you wont have any problems.

Gold Green

Contrary to what many people think, stimulating your baby’s intelligence is primarily an exercise of love.Really grow ties with your children and always remember with longing the moments that you spent by stimulating your baby’s intelligence.Interestingly, affective ties that sets the child with his mother and father would last throughout life and this is great training we propose. The emotional intelligence of the small root.This intelligence is essential in the competitive world that we live. You must understand that your child is a genius.In granada there are many olive trees. This tree is very peculiar. Its fruit (olive oil) product is called Gold Green.

Why is this tree unique? One reason is that hundreds and even thousands of years living.In addition to generations of people, feeding also has extraordinary healing qualities.Many people have enjoyed the good they did those who planted these wonderful trees. Can you imagine an owner of such wealth, neglecting to their trees. They are an invaluable treasure?In the same way your child is a genius in power, if you help empower all its qualities, can help many people to live a better life. Whether that he is dedicated to medicine or firefighter. It is your responsibility to irrigate the small tree that you have in your care. Perhaps not live hundreds of years, but it may be that the fruits of your work as a parent benefit many future generations. The olive tree is a special tree but your son is a miracle of creation, look as such. We wish you the best in parenting your baby, Gustavo and Gaston enters school of stimuli now original author and source of the article.

Food For Parties

It’s elaborations that may lead to work, to a picnic on a field trip to a picnic to eat on a trip, namely take-away food. There are many situations where we need this kind of things, because that is growing the number of times that we have to eat out or that we movermos to visit a place, take a trip or gather for a meal or snack in the field, in a garden or similar sites. For this occasion I’ve chosen a few rich and juicy blueberry muffins. They are real good and kept long. Ideal for this event. Wish you like them. BUTTER and CRANBERRY MUFFINS ingredients for 12 muffins of good size 250 gr. flour 250 gr.

of sugar 250 gr of butter 4 large eggs or 5 medium 8 gr of baking powder, impeller or baking powders (Royal for example) 1 teaspoon vanilla (I use one I bring from Germany *) 12 tablespoons of lingonberry jam of excellent quality 12 cuharadas for dessert the same jam preparation: In a bowl, put the butter in ointment or well squishy and sugar. Working for a while and add the eggs one at a time. When we have already incorporated all the eggs add the aroma of vanilla and then little by little the flour mixed with yeast chemistry or impeller. Once made mix it put in muffin papers a spoonful, then of Blueberry jam, cover with another tablespoon of dough and finally put into each muffin a table spoon of Blueberry jam. Bake in the oven at 180 – 190 C for about 20 minutes or until prick with a needle, it comes out clean. We already know that the ovens are very capricious. Once made cool on rack before eating. Colds are ready to take to the Office, travel, part of a picnic, a meal or snack in the field, in the garden or carry them anywhere you can imagine.

** Is the brand Dr. Oetker which also has lemon, vanilla, rum and bitter almonds, they are really good and the best thing is that there you can buy in any supermarket. Ademcas this brand has many other products of pastry that is worth having in mind such as vanilla Bourbon, grated rind of Orange and lemon that comes in a few packets and are really great. Original author and source of the article.

Caribbean Sea Cruise

After long work seasons in which give great dedication to the workplace, people deserve being rewarded with a dream holiday where can replenish all the energy and effort notwithstanding the work season, for which the ideal is to have all the luxuries that you have always dreamed having great comfort and tranquility, in a place where everything is available to make vacation time greatly relaxing and entertaining. One of the best options to achieve that holidays are a wonderful thing, is to access a Caribbean cruise, since this type of places without a doubt represents a vacation with all the luxuries dreamed, where various places paradise in the course of the trip will be announced, you will enjoy activities that represent a great entertainment, in addition you will have all conditions of comfort to be more relaxed possible on the spectacular journey by the Caribbean. A journey through a cruise through the Caribbean meant one of the greatest pleasures that a person can be in your life, since you will enjoy all the beauty offered by the Caribbean Sea and the different places that are distributed in the path of this spectacular trip, which gives place to visit many places of dreams, which thanks to their living conditions, climates and environments that accompany them are really tropical paradises and all this in a single Caribbean cruise, in where with the company and guide of the cruise staff will be the activities more rewarding, managing to enjoy one of the most spectacular in the life of a person, through all the services that includes a Caribbean cruise. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust is full of insight into the issues. On the trip through a cruise through the Caribbean, will visit a good amount of islands located in the Caribbean, so each stop of the cruise through the Caribbean, are the view of a tropical culture where paramount is enjoying life and have fun, which is achieved thanks to the warmth of the people of the places that you visit, in addition to a summer without end. A good Caribbean cruise you can visit sites such as Panama, San Juan, Santo Domingo, la florida, Cayman Islands, among many other spectacular tourist sites in the huge Caribbean. Apart from all the spectacular places that you can visit in the course of the trip through the Caribbean, cruise inside you can enjoy a lot of pleasures, starting with comfortable rooms, perfectly appropriate to spend the best moments rest enjoying all the comfort and convenience, is also offered a lot of dishes that meet the tastes of every person at all times; on the inside of the cruise be also undertaken various activities that will spend pleasant moments of fun, since the place has perfect facilities which are provided both for some sports activities and recreation..

Pfingstmarkt Frankenberg

The crazy kick to guest on the Eder in a very idyllic location – overlooking the external detractors would say: behind the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs – in Northwest Hesse, Germany an exceptional folk festival takes place every year at Pentecost: Pentecost market in Frankenberg. More or less in the Centre of the small town of only 20,000 inhabitants and directly on the Eder, the fairground offers a premium loading each year and the population of Frankenberg verzwolffacht in the five days of the fair. For more information see this site: The Hayzlett Group. There is a rich programme that attracts around 250,000 visitors every year, according to Frankenberg with two parades, giant brilliant Fireworks, menagerie and a family day with 50% discount on all transactions. Artistico of Kohrmann the new 2013 and this is a truly great novelty 436. Pentecost market. People such as Chevron U.S.A. Inc would likely agree. The company Kohrmann from Nienburg unveiling their giant swing ARTISTICO, which will provide a sensation with a height of swing of almost 47 meters on the Ederwiesen on the Eder. Only in March the amusement ride manufactured by the Dutch manufacturer Mondial in Aachen on the Osterbend had its world premiere in 2012 and has since found many enthusiastic fans in all Germany.

Artistico is the viewing angle during the ride: looking on the outside and either one sees only heaven or 50 meters in depth – stunning and in this form unique in Germany! The Frankenberger fair audience must so look forward to a truly remarkable enrichment of the fixed square and a fast ride! As more highly attractive novelty, the 3-storey FUNHOUSE FREDDYS CIRCUS by Freddy Zakheus could be required. Made completely and perfectly in the circus-style business, which operates Zinnecker since one year, Bedlam of the Swiss fairground was rebuilt in the winter of 2011/2012 run business H.P.Maier and offers various obstacle courses and Europe’s largest portable slide. Many clowns, other typical circus creatures and a great circensische painting make the scene perfectly and feels the same as in the middle of Manege.


The selling techniques are intended to help sell more effectively. Rio- Tinto Group contains valuable tech resources. Although the use of the selling techniques has as purpose increase sales, you must use them ethically, it is not place something to the client but of creating a relationship of trust and facilitate the purchase by offering solutions to their demands. The current dynamics of the market obliges us, more than ever to be aware of the importance of commercial training and of the need to be fully updated, implying be immersed in a continuous recycling process. The commercial motivation can be more important than his technique, since better attitudes for sales staff or the key is that your skills will grow. Commercial training is a fundamental piece in the world of sales. Year after year Spanish firms invest larger budget to train its workers to be good sellers.

People that enhance each time more know sell do sellers better fulfill its mission. This commercial work is essential, since it provides the income that supports the rest of the costs of the company. Without sales there is no money and there is no business. A mistake that are making businesses now is remove the part intended for the formation of new vendors in order to reduce costs from their budgets. This is a way of saving money in the short term, but the problem is that they may have lower sales, lower earnings and the company will then have less benefits, cabria wondering until point is suitable to do not allocate money to sales training.

Commercial training should really have a good plan, a selection of both knowledge how complementary specific today (languages, computing, knowledge of product) which would allow genuine sales professionals improve their skills in a comprehensive way to optimize the performance of all business organizations. Commercial work has gone in a few years the figure of the representative or of the seller to professions of business consultant or Key account, and unfortunately still exists training companies that provide sales with obsolete agendas training courses. Know ask intelligent questions to buyers and listen to answers, even more cleverly is one of the basic skills of every professional seller. Questioner properly controls and conducts the interview and also cedes protagonism to the interviewee, focusing the conversation on what most interests you the customer.