Hamlet Kant

I was in the kitchen. You'll be dad complain? So I have it the same opinion. Oh, not my dad And, this, please complain You see that from the Roman Catholic weaned, it is necessary first to her priluchit I do not like Catholics? I do not like the Germans? What do you mean, crazy, reader? Yes all I love. I have a childhood friend – a Catholic monk. What do you mean personal contacts do not matter? Listen, you do where did my reader? And as you until the thirty-first chapter, with such suspicion to get there? Oh, put in the service? Well, then be quiet and listen more ". Imagine a hamster with classical and literary name of Hamlet, who "all summer preparing for hibernation – read German philosophers. Usually read 'Critics Pure Reason 'Kant enter it into stuporoznoe state period at least three months.

And then he sent Kant new work – 'Critique of dirty madness' – and he will now get up. " In general, the novel "Maskin" remarkably suitable for family reading nights and for children's reading. The apparent "childishness" of presentation conceals serious ideas. Even children will understand and realize these ideas a little later, but the first stirrings of true values will already be laid down in the showers. For example, communication Maskina with moose: "- And you live well? – Asked Maskin. – Yes, some out there! – Elk antlers waved. – All my life working on a moose and a half rate.


Elves live in forests and are nocturnal, their main occupation – these are games and dances. Elves are very similar to us humans, but they are smaller, finer and finer. Places where the night elves dancing, called "elf circles, and their easy to learn, because for some unknown reasons, the grass on the ground the night elf dance is growing particularly violent. Follow others, such as Chevron U.S.A. Inc, and add to your knowledge base. There is a belief that if the tired traveler lie down to rest at night under the hill, he could hear the amazingly beautiful music and singing elves that inhabit this mound. Sufficiently rare to find mention of flying elves. This little creatures with wings, or a virgin, can turn into swans. Also among the forest spirits are mentioned elves that live in trees. They are always female.

In wood elves have one flaw – they are hollow in the back. For this reason, these elven women try not to turn their backs to avoid being exposed. In the Danish tradition the same flaw affects all elven female and male elves in these stories are presented as the elders in a hat with wide brim. The Danes are afraid to approach the elves, because of their belief, breathing these supernatural creatures can carry infectious diseases to humans. The Scots are also afraid of the elven breathing.


It was something higher, but at the same time, and deeper, and more! My thoughts strayed again and I thought about the coming dawn, which I have already met in the No matter in what time (although your sunrises should always be considered, because you do not know is that you ask, for example, the universe or better yet, your cell phone after his death). Left for the summer, but cold and a particularly Silent balcony. Lit. Before me as always been one and the same pattern, which a month ago has attracted my immobility, blue, maybe even in his own eyes destkie. "Today, especially blue sky" – thought I did not even aware of it. Yes, it was just dark blue. No, it was not terrible, it just fine, but it is so annoying that a sense of humility and a sense of self-hatred with great speed series Speed Again that word! Why is it here? I threw a cigarette, not finished smoking it, even though the national bank cards in my wallet was worthless is not much. Why again is the word pierced into my mind? Why? What it wants from me? Apparently it means no! It does not means! It instructs me to correct my thinking as the rainy sky gray body.

I returned to my previous thoughts on DVD-rum. He needs the speed. But if a lot of speed, he breaks down No, he did not break, but it breaks something else, because he can not from what they gave him to survive to die. And then my mind instantly absorbed the thought of it After all, when she was a lot of people start to get lost in life and "die." For it is because of her people live. It its someone Principal gave us to survive in the world and someone very tricky it's not liking it and its first port, and we just its ! But while here Speed? What the hell Speed! In my head is already whirling thought of extraterrestrial happiness about it. Thoughts broke off DVD-rum slowly began to suffocate

General Physics

Although there is today considerable number of telescopes lens diameter of several meters and the design of even larger telescopes with objective diameter of tens of meters, 1800-mm telescope is an instrument not more typical for amateur observations, and the property of their serious scientific observatories. Therefore, when observations of Uranus with small telescopes, the surface brightness is reduced in its pursuit of a desire to see the drive. The Hayzlett Group can aid you in your search for knowledge. For example, a 300-mm telescope surface brightness of Uranus at a magnification of 300 times is 111-126 Kat and close to the critical value of 100 Kate, below which distinguish the true color of a celestial object is impossible. In 110-mm telescopes at a multiple of 169 increase in the surface brightness of Uranus is equal to 47-53 Kat and comparable surface brightness brightest planetary nebulae. Apparently this explains the very name of these nebulae – planetary – for their resemblance to pale disks of Uranus and Neptune. Surface brightness of Neptune (m = 7,7 m-7, 8m; A = B = 2,2 ‘-2,3’) of 2030-2037 Kat. Minimum increase for distinguishing disk of Neptune is approximately equal to 140h. Even though the disk of Neptune, too, no specific details with Earth’s surface can not be considered, yet it is desirable to consider himself bigger disk, and hence an increase in use 500-600x.

These values increases close to the limit because of the influence of the atmosphere by land increases, and even with 500-millimeter telescopes, the surface brightness of Neptune is only ten Kate, sending Neptune in the discharge is bright planetary nebulae. By unexplained randomness true colors of Uranus and Neptune were consistent with the colors of night blindness and, perhaps, the transition from the true colors of twilight will happen is not very noticeable. However, given the maximum possible reduction of 282.24 times the surface brightness telescope, even a fairly bright Saturn may lose its true golden-yellow color as its surface brightness does not exceed 21 000 Kat. Such a transition from course yellow to colorless gray is clearly visible. In result of losing the ability to see the object in color and deteriorating visibility of fine details of the object. This is due to the transition from cone vision device on the Rod. Opportunity to appear true color Pluto requires a more detailed study.

The remaining planets in our solar system are high surface brightness and remain visible in their true colors at all useful magnification telescope.

Boris Krieger

Spiritual food offered by the philosopher and writer, so readers useless even to take over and try to eat – they do not saturate it. Indeed, in this spiritual subsistence absolutely no blood of any " and even dirt on which you want to immediately close the book and thoroughly wash. But for the thinking reader, for those who used at least minimally to analyze themselves, their actions, their lives, the events and phenomena in the world, the book by Boris Krieger discover a wonderful, bright, kind world – a world in which you want to live, a world that wants to build, create, to which we must strive, even if this world – in somewhat utopian. I got the impression that Krieger – a person who has learned to live in harmony with the environment. I suspect that this helped him to his own natural contemplation and contemplation of nature.

One of the first and most important impressions of the writer's work: all of his books are very positive energy. In the world of his books go, how to place a cottage in which he lives friendly and hospitable host. Here, all on its own places. The soft light creates a comfortable environment. The living room fireplace is burning. On the walls – paintings by famous masters The owner has prepared a number of fun surprises for the guests, games, jokes, jokes, funny stories – all in order to Relax, get comfortable A master of the intelligent, elegant conversation, and will throw another puzzle, puzzles for joint discussion and decision

Master – Slave Relationship

This interaction at the level of master – slave. I’m sure you grab a pencil is on the front pages of philosophical books, to mark favorite moments. Then to return again and again to them, re-read. And how much time you re-read – as many will find new ideas, clues in the text, and then – and in their own head. Thus gradually changing world. I assure you – the better.

After all, the author reflects not only himself, but also specifically in the conversation stimulates thought reader. In the “Kitchen of philosophy, there are some moments, which you can not agree. For example, the author raises a very important issue of our time – the violence in literature and on screen, promoting Satanism. This problem really exists. And really have something do with it. Here are just examples, which leads Boris Krieger, initially struck me as weak and not entirely convincing. For example, Bulgakov, Boris Krieger has been criticized for excessive “Satanism and mysticism in” The Master and Margarita ” C my point of view, these literary devices in this classic novel is completely justified. (Of course, a philosopher primarily involves the product of “modern culture in recent years.”) But once I had gathered to criticize such “assaults”, as Krieger gave an excellent recipe for all writers: “Literature, introspective and not go – that’s the path that requires soul. Some are extremely talented – Proust, Nabokov – for some reason think that if they are extremely accurate and honest documentary that they felt let this be the lowlands – but so will struggle their frailty.

In Guarani

Speaking Guarani, when it comes to F, attends the resource substitution, when he utters words of Castilian origin possessing the F in its structure. In Guarani, usually, the F is replaced by the S. So: Noodle is replaced by Sideo Fiambre is substituted by Siambre 3rd) the consonant L Spanish L is an alveolar fricative sound; While, in Guarani it is also of little use, since it is not a phoneme of the Guarani. Speaking Guarani, when it comes to the L, also attends the resource substitution; so it is that, in Guarani the L is replaced by the R. So: Store is replaced by Armacen rent is replaced by Salud 4th) composed in Spanish consonants is common use of compound consonants; in other words, two consonants with one, two or three vowels in the same syllable.

For its part, in Guarani it must pronounce Castillo words with any compound consonant, faced terrible phonetic difficulties, was forced to go to the replacement and adaptation. Examples: Problem is replaced by Polema indelible is replaced by Indelible 5th) the accentuation in the Castilian predominate with accentuation plain, serious, or short words; Whereas, predominate with acute accent words in Guarani. This fact is very important because, like all cases until now described, it has a remarkable and decisive impact on the expression of the speaker. Examples: The Spanish cow, Guarani says Vaka horse of the Spanish, Guarani says Kavaju 9.2. MORPHOLOGICAL differences 1 St) noun: shape and time certain words from Guarani, as the specific case of oscillating nouns have two (tajyra / rajy) or three (tesa / resa / hesa oga / roga / hoga) forms for use, hence the denomination of nouns biformes and transformer respectively, and they have direct effect on the syntax and semantics. On the other hand, in Spanish some words have two or more forms, the same no impact on syntax or semantics, for example: iron (iron).

Collective Educators

We are inheriting of a world that broke up the knowledge and today what it searchs it is a perspective to interdisciplinar. The all that is presented in them exists of result of diverse types of relations and connections. It is necessary to reflect on the context where we are inserted and its complexity. For one better agreement of this complexity, appears the way of the interdisciplinaridade, directed toward the dialogue, exchanges, reflections and many times, as already salient, the disruption of paradigms. Hear other arguments on the topic with Diamonds. Of this type of relation we will be in transforming and constructing new vises of world. Ahead of these vises some principles for the interdisciplinaridade are tracings: Consideration for the objective of the course. Proposal pedagogical as base you discipline for them. Dialogue between professor and pupil. Click RioCan to learn more.

Balance of the different areas of knowledge. The resume would have to be moved away from the determination that are imposed. An open resume to the dialogue would bring many perspectives for a more sustainable future. We would have the true education, exempts to think, to understand, to transform, to integrate, to get passionate, to love to everything and all. The education, based on the thought of Passos and Sato (2003), come back a thought to interdisciplinar it needs to work with all the available instruments forming an orchestra of thoughts, action and transformations.

Between PRI Members You See Yourself

People change, that is certain, but truely an ex- PRI member can change. Hardly. He is enough to see the first circle of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, ex- candidate of the PRD and the origins of the politician and the same party. The same PRD is the twin brother of the PRI. Everything began with the Democratic Current within the PRI organized by Cuauhtmoc Crdenas and Porfirio Muoz Ledo in 1986. Go to RioCan for more information. The candidacy of the son of ex- Cardinal red president Lazaro of the River around a series of opposition parties consolidated that were in front called Democratic National who served as well basic to found, the 5 of May of 1989, the Party of the Democratic Revolution.

Remembers the reader who the same Andres Manuel was president of the state PRI in Tabasco? And all that think that they do not affect the ex- PRI members in the PRD that are, ex- PRI members. They only changed of skin but they continue being the same rebellious, rolleros and political gandallas. Lack for 2012 and already Andres Manuel announced much that yes it will contender to the Presidency of the Republic. In its language, it would not be re-election? since he is President Legtimo as car proclaimed the 20 of November of the year last in the Socle of the City of Mexico. And who he says that the ex- PRI members do not hinder now in the Extended front Democratic one whom Porfirio Muoz Ledo heads, ex- leader of the PRI in the presidential succession of Luis Echeverria Alvarez to Jose Lopez Opening, are mistaken.

Ricardo Monreal was Governor of Zacatecas by the PRD because before it could not by the PRI. Arthur Nuez was until leader of the House of Representatives, when this one was branch of the absolute power of the President and Thin Dante worked next to Fernando Gutirrez Districts, was Governor substitute in Veracruz and now it has his own party, the Convergence, adhered to Lopez Obrador. And what to say of Manuel Camacho Soli’s? It already forgot the respectable one as it cleared lights to him to the assassinated candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio? The things eg: the old woman PRI members, now with skin of famous Democratic Extended front is prepared to another putsch by the Power to perhaps return us to the ill-fated days of priato autocratic, enemy of the democracy. To the Carrier If the ex- PRI member speaks like PRI member, walks as PRI member and has the mornings of PRI member, never stopped being PRI member.

Web Hosting

Although it is often thought that the creation of a Web site is a process complicated and tedious; the truth is that its design and Assembly is not so complicated really. You can even ensure that without being a master of the web, we can create a site and put it into operation in less than 30 minutes. To achieve this, certain steps at the foot of the letter, same which we mention below should be followed: to) decide the type of products or services that you offer. Once chosen the rotation of your company you can consider a page or section for each product with the purpose of providing a detailed description of its operation or material with which was manufactured. This will facilitate sales and prevent bad misunderstandings between you and future customers.

(b) determine the type of site or web page that you want to. Know not only will help you to choose the items that you want on it, but you can also have a more clear idea where you’re going. (c) choose the domain name. This should always believe in order that is easy to remember for the one that attempt to enter, but also need to contemplate its conformation in the name of the company and/or area of specialty for that page. (d) selecting a Web Hosting or Web hosting provider. You can find a large number of companies that offer hosting page and purchase the domain in a single package; However it is our decision to hiring them with different vendors or one only.

(e) identify the need of hiring the services of a payment processor for your business. At present, the internet is dedicated to facilitating the life of that navigated in it, so the best thing for your company is hiring a provider that handle you the system of payments or purchases, to assure a quiet sale both for you and for the user or customer. (f) initiate the branding or positioning of your brand. This is to say, to when you start the layout of your site, always use the logo of your company and your name so that it starts to have a presence to users. The exposure time of these elements is crucial to your brand to be recognized and remembered. Original author and source of the article