Maria Lucena Aid Rasp School

Having as the text ' ' As I construct to teacher in my trajectory profissional' ' , of Maria Marina Days Cavalcante and Maria Lucena Aid Rasp, I will go to display my construction as teacher, has two years, in the College Heart of Jesus. To be teacher is not easy task ahead of the reality of our country and front to the difficulties found in our current system of education. Our pupils already do not have the competitive spirit and the anxiety to reach optimum for itself through the knowledge. We, professors, are at the mercy of of results little waited, ' ' vendendo a product that few are interested in comprar.' ' Then, as to act front to this reality? The search for the stonecutting of the quality of what we make has become the main focus for survival of our profession. It is necessary that let us be made use, if we really intend to teach, to continue learning to the long one of all our life.

Our disposal in learning more is not the sufficient, is necessary also to be open the changes in our paradigms. An ideal is that each professor always develops its abilities, being opened for new concepts and models, developing, thus, its educative action, that strong is related with the existing relations in the pertaining to school environment, either with the pupil, either with colleagues. If the relation in the school well will not be decided and directed, the proper transmission of the contents finishes being seriously affected. It is more than what clearly that the paper of the professor goes well beyond the docncia and of the walls of the classroom. This will have to be reflective, influencing, of construtivista form, the experience and exercise practical of educating, making to learn not only them also for the course of the events and for the programmed speech of the words. The school does not have to be seen as physical space for the pupils, it only must be, more than what, agent never compromised to the personal and social development of its educandos. It fits to the professor to explore these abilities, exploring the cultural, social wealth and the essence of each being in formation. The professor is the bridge enters the different existing relations in the school, it if he relates with its familiar pupils and, with the direction and system of pertaining to school education.

In each one of these relations it has involved important things. For in such a way, the professor must exert its paper inquiring concerning its professional responsibility while and citizen. is in the classroom that many of these projects take form, therefore is there that the pupils and professors pass most of its time, and the limits of this space must be respected, being used as educative place, in which the professor will have the mission to display its lessons of creative form, using equipment and making critical and interesting boardings with the contents in course, stimulating the pupil to be an active being, and not more passive, in the focadas quarrels. The pupil of the future will have that, today, to be modifier and actuator of its proper reality, inside of the society where he is inserted!