DCM Hiperatividade

To have a definition, it was from the decade of 50 that the one concept was structuralized ' ' syndrome hipercintica' ' , that is, the hiperatividade together with inatenao, impulsiveneness and other symptoms start to constitute, in the interior of the medicine, a passvel clinical entity of a medicamentoso treatment. The use is spread out of drugs in the treatment of the TDA/H, with base only in the empirical construction of that some children improved with the use of calmantes and others presented, paradoxicalally, improvements with drugs stimulants. Although innumerable studies on the hiperatividade and of all technological advance of the medicine, if did not obtain to detect no organic alteration, either in the electro encefalograma, the rays-x of skulls, the ultrassonografia, or same in the computerized cat scan. This fact took the change of the concept of injury for disfuno, that is, is not plus an anatomical alteration, but without minimum alterations in the cerebral function, with repercussions specifies on the behavior of the child. One notices that the Minimum Cerebral Disfuno is the concept that has more acceptance before the society. From these information, they had started to appear publications that contradict accepted affirmations already.

It had some questionings on the use of drugs in the treatment of these children. As BRAZILIAN TREE (1985) children with hiperatividade is that one that presents an inadequate behavior, as fidgets, difficulties of concentration, does not stop the same seated for much time in place, aggressiveness and bad income in pertaining to school tasks, anxiety, low tolerance, etc. These developments neuropsicomotores would compose the DCM and its some synonymous ones. These children, according to model I medicate, will have trends to present social problems, having possibility more accented to start to use drugs as alcohol, for example. With a didactics and a pedagogical action the professor can integrate the necessities specifies of the hiperativo, brightening up aggressive behaviors by means of other pedagogical actions.