Health Care Facilities

Mental health provides mental training, the development of mental processes (memory, attention, imagination, etc.), education discipline the mind and senses; Social health involves social activity, active relation of man to the world. Health is the natural state of man. In nature there is everything necessary to maintain it, but this man must live by its laws, since nature does not force us to disease. It provided the person internal protective forces and mechanisms that many people are in a locked condition, the cause of which is an unnatural lifestyle. To maintain health, protection from disease a person must motivation and increased self-regulation mechanisms of the organism, development and connectivity, its reserve forces, ie natural method of self-improvement. Disease – a way of informing people about the imbalance in his body. If we accept the conditional level of health over 100%, as is well known, human health is determined by the conditions and way of life by 50-55%, the environment – 20-25, genetic factors (heredity) – 15-20 and only Health Care Facilities by 8-10%.

Hence the conclusion: their health everyone should do himself. Lifestyle – a system of man's relationship with itself and environmental factors. The latter include: physical (temperature, radiation, atmospheric pressure), chemicals (food, water, toxic substances), biological (animals, microorganisms), psychological factors (the impact on the emotional sphere through sight, hearing, smell, touch). The main causes of detonation and the destruction of human health are: The inconsistencies in the psychospiritual area, violations of the spiritual and moral principles; unnatural way of life, dissatisfaction work, lack of proper rest, the high pretensions; physical inactivity, physical inactivity; unsustainable livelihoods, unbalanced and insufficient nutrition, improvement of life, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, backbreaking and exhausting mental and physical labor; low sanitary culture and culture of thinking, feeling, and speech; family problems, marital and sexual relations; bad habits and addicted to them. Experts have concluded that in developed countries, about 75% of all deaths caused by diseases of lifestyle, and in developing countries – from 40 to 50%.

There is "estimated" budget of life: 10 years – fees Accommodation in the City; 10 – for the avoidance of systematic physical training; 8 – for the lack of regular sexual life; 10-12 – for obesity (8 months ago. for every extra kilogram of weight); 8 – for smoking; 20 – for drunkenness; 20-25 – for drugs, and only if the patient can be cured; 13,5 years take major diseases of modern society (cardiovascular, cancer, injuries); 3 years – payback for a sit-down occupation;? 4 years – of sleep for more than 10 hours a day. No requests, orders, penalties can not force people to live a healthy lifestyle, protect and promote their own health if he does not consciously work out his own style healthy behaviors. In the formation of healthy life may lie the following reasons: self-preservation (the person does not commit certain acts, as they threaten their health and life); submission rules culture and life (a person subject to the rules of culture and life to be an equal member of society); obtain satisfaction from the self-improvement (feeling of health brings a person joy, so it makes all to experience this feeling); the opportunity for self-improvement (a healthy person can climb to a higher level of the social ladder); Sexual implementation (Health gives people the opportunity to sexual harmony and achieve the greatest comfort).